Image Profile

Maria Immacolata

Cesarina dal 2020

Piatto forte: Zuppa gallurese

Vivo a: Olbia

Lingue parlate: Inglese, Francese, Italiano

Buono a sapersi

Offro alternative vegetariane

Ciao da Maria Immacolata!

Maria Immacolata vive ad Olbia, zona caratterizzata dalla presenza di uno spettacolare paesaggio dove le acque dall’intenso colore smeraldo e le imponenti rocce granitiche fanno da cornice ad un paesaggio costellato di promontori, cale ed isole, mentre, nell’entroterra, il profumo dell’antico passato rivive nelle sorprendenti testimonianze archeologiche. La nostra Cesarina ci accoglie nella grande casa di campagna, per farci vivere un'epserienza enogastronomica attraverso i prodotti e le ricette tipiche della Gallura; dalla zuppa gallurese alle classiche seadas per concludere con dolcezza.

First Mosaic image
Second Mosaic imageThird Mosaic image
Le mie specialità
  •  Mazza frissa
  •  Zuppa gallurese
  •  Piedini di agnello
3 recensioni
It was a perfect afternoon/evening, and we are glad that we have had this wonderful opportunity. We enjoyed making and eating Sardinian gnocchetti, Sardinian ravioli and traditional tiramisu. Maria was very kind and helpful in answering all our questions. The kitchen and place were perfect for this event, including beautiful decorations. It felt very local and inviting. It is definitely something we'll remember and talk about even after our holidays.

Christiane & Erik - novembre 2023

We had a fantastic experience learning from Maria how to make pasta and tiramisu. Maria is extremely friendly and thanks to her we were reasonably successful. We enjoyed a great dinner in a great location. Thank you so much.

Golo - maggio 2023

Maria was an outstanding host; she welcomed us into her beautiful home with open arms. She is a patient & informative instructor. We began with preparing Tiramisu and then went on to make the pasta dough and then made Gnocchetti and Ravioli stuffed with ricotta. The dishes we made were delicious. If you are ever in the neighborhood, you should stop by. Ciao

Rocco & Jennifer - maggio 2023

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