Esperienze gastronomiche

Esperienza culinaria a base di pizza!

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Durata 2h 30m

Max 8 ospiti

Lingue parlate: Italiano e Inglese

Pranzi e Cene: siediti a tavola e goditi un'autentica esperienza culinaria a casa di una Cesarina locale

Esperienza condivisa
La tua esperienza

    Sarai pizzaiolo per una sera! Insieme prepareremo pizze con gli ingredienti che la stagionalità ci mette a disposizione! Inizieremo con schiacciatine croccanti, accompagnate da salumi e formaggi locali. Dopodiché deciderai come guarnire le pizze, le inforneremo e gusteremo le nostre creazioni, sorseggiando birra o, se preferisci, un buon vino bianco. Concluderemo in bellezza con pizze dolci con cioccolata e frutta fresca di stagione.

    13 recensioni
    My family and I had a wonderful cooking experience with Lara! Lara and her family were so welcoming and accommodating! The food was absolutely delicious! This was a highlight of our family vacation in Tuscany!

    Maggie - luglio 2024

    This was a great cooking experience. We wanted something that would interest au and our 9 year old daughter ... and the pizza class was great! Lara and family were fantastic and really made us feel welcome. And what a great lunch we had at the end! I recommend this pizza experiance when you have kids for sure!

    David Giustini - luglio 2024

    A wonderful experience! Lara and her family were very welcoming and we greatly enjoyed the cooking lesson! A beautiful view, lovely people and amazing food!

    Amanda  - luglio 2024

    Our family had a wonderful experience today with Lara and her family. We felt very welcomed into their home and we had great hands on experience with making the pasta and tiramisu. She was very accommodating of our younger daughter’s growing palette. We would absolutely recommend this experience to anyone who is interested.

    Elizabeth  - giugno 2024

    Fantastic class and experience for our family! Lara and her family taught us some delicious recipes. Can’t wait to try them at home!

    Patty Toural - giugno 2024

    62,00 € per ospite

    31,00 € per bambino

    Riceverai l'indirizzo esatto dopo aver prenotato.
    Image Profile
    Cesarina dal 2023Città: Certaldo    Lingue: Italiano e Inglese
    Cucina tipica toscana, carne alla griglia, pane, pasta fresca, pizza e schiacciate sono le mie specialità. 
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