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Cesarina dal 2019

Piatto forte: Macco di fave

Vivo a: Ragusa

Lingue parlate: Italiano e Inglese

Buono a sapersi

Offro alternative vegetariane

Ciao da Salvina!

La casa di Salvina, la nostra Cesarina, si trova a metà strada fra la città barocca di Ragusa e il bellissimo mare, vicinissimo ai ‘luoghi di Montalbano’: gli scorci delle bellezze naturali, delle spiagge e degli edifici in stile barocco che fanno sospirare ogni volta che si vede un suo film. Salvina in cucina coltiva le tradizioni della sua famiglia, che ben si sposano con gli ingredienti che il suo territorio offre, dall'olio, al vino, ai rinomati formaggi tipici. “Vi aspetto per condividere con voi tutto ciò che la mia bella terra sa offrire.”

First Mosaic image
Second Mosaic imageThird Mosaic image
Le mie specialità
  •  Caponata di melanzane
  •  Macco di fave
  •  Scacce ragusane (focacce ripiene)
16 recensioni
A magical evening and meal with excellent wine. Tonight was one of our best meals and experiences in Italy. Salvino & Angelo are wonderful people and hosts, welcoming us into the home on their family farm. Salvina's meal was created from recipes she learned from her mother, adding her own wonderful touches. A truly one of a kind experience.

Steve & Linda Edwards - settembre 2024

We had a fantastic Experience with Salvina. The Food was very delicious and we had a lot of Fun preparing Pizza and pasta. She Was a very friendly and welcoming host and also very sweet with our little daughter

Kathrin - settembre 2024

One of the most beautiful experiences I had during my visit to Sicily. Salvina showed me some typical Sicilian dishes and I had a lovely dinner together with her, her husband Angelo and their two grandchildren!

Koen Fransen - settembre 2024

Highlight of our time in Ragusa!! Salina and her husband Angelo were gracious hosts and we easily bridged our language gap with help from Seri. We felt like we were home for Sunday dinner!

Laura - settembre 2024

We had a lovely time with Salvina and her family. Learning how to make pasta was a fun way to spend a morning and we will be making it at home. Her tiramisu was in fact much better than what we had at restaurants! Communication was easy and not a problem at all using translation apps.

A Lloyd - giugno 2024

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