Food experiences

Mixed boiled meats and risotto

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Travedona Monate

Duration 2h 30m

Max 6 guests

Spoken languages:  Italian and English

Tasting of traditional dishes

Private Experience
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    Aperitif with boiled verzini served in the hollowed out and toasted homemade loaf.

    Appetizer of cooked cold cuts (cotechino, cotechino mantovano, zampone, boccia, tricorno, mortadella di fegato).

    Trolley of boiled meats: beef, beef biancostato, veal, pigtail, head, ganascino, stuffed hen, tongue.

    Side dish: onion, celery, carrots boiled in broth.

    Green sauce, red sauce, mustard, salsa rubra.

    Yellow risotto with fat broth with eyes.

    Bread cake

    Total: €95.00

    per guest

    €47.50 per child


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    Image Profile
    Cesarina from 2021Location: Travedona Monate    Languages: Italian and English
    The house of our Cesarino Franco is located in Travedona-Monate, directly on the shore of Lake Monate, in the heart of the "Lake District" of Lombardy, in the province of Varese. "In the living room with the winter fireplace and under the porch and in the garden in the summer, when you can also swim in the purity of the waters of Lake Monate, invite friends and family to share the pleasures of a classic cuisine of the area, based on local products, drawing on the wines of Lombardy, Veneto and Piedmont."
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