Image Profile

Maria Cristina

Cesarina dal 2018

Piatto forte: Pasticcio di anolini

Vivo a: Parma

Lingue parlate: Italiano e Inglese

Buono a sapersi

Offro alternative vegetariane

Ciao da Maria Cristina!

Parma è una piccola ma incantevole città di provincia, con un’aria francese e con una grande tradizione culinaria. Nella cornice del bel centro storico, ci accoglie Maria Cristina. In una splendida casa che sul retro permette l’accesso a un giardino di segreta bellezza, abbiamo l’occasione di incontrare la nostra Cesarina che, come ci racconta, ha sempre amato cucinare, fin da bambina. La sua passione per la cucina le è stata tramandata dalla mamma e dalla nonna le quali, con grande maestria, imbandivano menù straordinari, di cui lei ancora oggi detiene i segreti.

First Mosaic image
Second Mosaic imageThird Mosaic image
Le mie specialità
  •  Salame strolghino di culatello e assaggio di parmigiano invecchiato
  •  Pasticcio di anolini
  •  Rosa di Parma
22 recensioni
Christina and Enzo were absolutely amazing they made my whole family feel at home. The food was really good and very different to what we are used to. They made us laugh and they were so great with the kids. I would highly recommend it to anyone that is considering it.

Nicole - luglio 2024

Absolutely fantastic class! Christina and Enzo were amazing hosts. Christina was a great teacher and I learnt a lot during the evening. I would happily return in the future for another class.

Ben - luglio 2024

We had a wonderful time in the home of Christina and Enzo. Christina is a wonderful chef and teacher and Enzo provided the enthusiasm and walnut liquor. So much fun. The highlight of our trip to Italy. Would do it again in a flash.

Elizabeth  - maggio 2024

Me and my son, 15 yrs, had a wonderful experience learning how to cook pasta in a beutiful family home. The hospitality was fantastic and we felt very well taken care of. Now we are buying our own pasta machine to further develop our skills. A highly recommended activity and memorable day of our journey. 👌🏻🇮🇹

Pia - aprile 2024

We had the BEST time with Cristina and Enzo. I did the lesson with my 2 daughters and we arrived a bit stressed and flustered due to a travel hiccup getting to Parma. Cristina made me a coffee, got the girls started and let me regroup. We made amazing food in their beautiful kitchen and enjoyed it with wine and the company of Enzo and Cristina. Enzo walked us suite a ways to meet my husband and pointed out sites along the way. A great experience.

Holly - dicembre 2023

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