Corsi di cucina

Un'esperienza culinarie da ricordare a Parma

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Maria Cristina


Durata 3h

Max 4 ospiti

Lingue parlate: Italiano e Inglese

Corso di cucina con 3 ricette (antipasto, primo piatto di pasta fresca e dessert), bruschetta e aperitivo seguito da una degustazione delle ricette preparate durante la lezione

Esperienza privata
La tua esperienza
  • Sformatini di parmigiano reggiano
  • Tortelli di erbetta con burro e Parmigiano Reggiano
  • Tiramisù

Benvenuti in un'accogliente cucina, dove la magia di creare ricette tradizionali si mescola con il calore di una casa di famiglia. Gli ospiti, avvolti da un'atmosfera unica, respirano l'essenza di generazioni di sapori e storie culinarie.

La preparazione e la degustazione dei piatti diventano un'esperienza rapida ma indimenticabile, spesso la parte più preziosa del loro viaggio. Un viaggio nel cuore delle tradizioni e dell'ospitalità, che lascia sorrisi nei cuori di chi ha condiviso questo momento speciale.

Totale: 145,00 €

145,00 € 
per ospite

72,50 € per bambino

20 recensioni
Our afternoon and evening were just such an enjoyable time. Cristina and her husband were welcoming and very friendly. Cristina was very organized and took time to explain every step in the cooking process for each item we prepared. Our meal of soufflé, tortelli and tiramisu was great. Our hosts also took time to tell us about restaurants in the area and sights we might like to see. All in all it was a highlight of our trip. I would give Cristina a 10 star rating if I could!

Barbara  - marzo 2025

Christina & Enzo were amazing hosts, opening their hearts and home to us for a truly wonderful experience. My wife Anne did the sous chef work with Christina while Enzo and I had the envious task of savoring the excellent cuisine! You could literally taste the passion in the pasta and desert...the wine and aperitif made for a perfect "belly-wash"! Molto Bene and Grazie Mille! Bill and Anne, Virginia Beach Virginia

Bill Gassett - marzo 2025

We had a lovely afternoon and early evening with Maria Christina and her husband Enzo, who welcomed us into their traditional home and treated us as extended members of their family. We learnt a lot about pasta making, and had an excellent meal that included parma ham and the pasta that was made earlier.

Rob and Susie Walker - febbraio 2025

Christina is a generous personality who enjoys sharing her experience and knowledge with others. After having us decide who would take notes (Fred) and who would participate in the hands-on class (Yukari), Christina quickly got to work. She demonstrated for Yukari every step in the process of making the regional pasta specialty, Tortelli, Parmesan Soufflé and Tiramisu and had Yukari execute the steps in parallel. Cristina interleaved the steps of the three dishes to save time, just as anyone at home would do. She moves with efficiency and precision. Cristina even made micro-pizzas on toast as antipasti. Then we got to eat the creations for lunch with a glass of wine! We enjoyed our time with Cristina very much. The class was very informative and a lot of fun. We highly recommend this class with Cristina.

Yukari and Fred - dicembre 2024

This was a great experience! Cristina makes you feel at home. Cristina really loves what she does and puts her heart into everything she cooks. The ambience of cooking with family and having a family meal on their home was something to remember.

Sedona - ottobre 2024

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Maria Cristina
Cesarina dal 2018Città: Parma    Lingue: Italiano e Inglese
Parma è una piccola ma incantevole città di provincia, con un’aria francese e con una grande tradizione culinaria.
Nella cornice del bel centro storico, ci accoglie Maria Cristina. In una splendida casa che sul retro permette l’accesso a un giardino di segreta bellezza, abbiamo l’occasione di incontrare la nostra Cesarina che, come ci racconta, ha sempre amato cucinare, fin da bambina. La sua passione per la cucina le è stata tramandata dalla mamma e dalla nonna le quali, con grande maestria, imbandivano menù straordinari, di cui lei ancora oggi detiene i segreti.
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