Tour enogastronomici

Esperienze con tour al mercato

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Montesilvano Colle

Durata 4h

Max 8 ospiti

Lingue parlate: Italiano e Inglese

Tour gastronomico: degusta i prodotti del territorio e scopri i luoghi del gusto con una Cesarina locale

Esperienza condivisa
La tua esperienza

    Scoprite l'autenticità della cucina abruzzese con un'esperienza al mercato di Montesilvano. Qui, circondata da colline e bagnata dal mare, i contadini allestiscono un vivace mercato all'aperto, esponendo raccolti freschi. Gli ortaggi, come melanzane, zucchine e peperoni, sprigionano profumi unici, arricchiti dall'aria salmastra del mare e dalla freschezza delle montagne.

    La ricotta e il formaggio di pecora, prodotti da piccole aziende locali, sono un vero tesoro gastronomico. Visitando il mercato, avrete l'opportunità di acquistare questi prodotti straordinari e vivere un'esperienza sensoriale di sapori indimenticabili. Non vedo l'ora di condividere con voi le meraviglie culinarie di questa terra, dove mare e monti si incontrano per offrire il meglio della natura.


    8 recensioni
    What an excellent experience. Stefania was very knowledgeable, courteous, and very welcoming. her instructions we easy follow. The food was excellent and we can't wait to get home and use everything we learned. She was totally professional yet very personable. We loved our experience and will highly recommend Stefania to ant one we know who mike be wanting to learn the food of Abruzzo.

    Mike Sabol - settembre 2024

    Stefania was absolutely amazing. The market walk, the cooking and the eating was one of the best experiences we have had in Italy during our 6 week stay. She opened her home to us and her husband was lovely. My dad comes from Abruzzo and the time he spent here was like coming home. We ate too much and laughed all day! I could not recommend this experience highly enough.

    Bianca - settembre 2024

    Such an amazing experience! Really could not recommended Stefania enough, she really welcomed us into her home and we had a fantastic evening. All of the food was exceptional, paired with great wines! We really enjoyed learning the recipes and will definitely be trying to recreate it all at home. It was so lovely to have the opportunity to experience authentic Italian cooking. We hope to visit again in the future❤️

    Emily & Luke - settembre 2024

    Stefania and her husband really are kind people. They welcomed us in to their own home, with such a warm feeling. Stefania is kind, patiënt and has a big passion for the Italian kitchen and she loved to learn us more about it. We made pasta, tiramisu and Stefania has made us even more dishes to try! We had the best night, would 100% recommend.

    Lise - agosto 2024

    I could not have asked for a better experience. The food was fantastic and the company of Stefania and her family was even better. I highly recommend her to anyone visiting Abruzzo.

    Logan Fisher - luglio 2024

    89,00 € per ospite

    45,00 € per bambino

    Riceverai l'indirizzo esatto dopo aver prenotato.
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    Cesarina dal 2023Città: Montesilvano Colle    Lingue: Italiano e Inglese
    La mia cucina riflette tipicità regionali e presenta ricette originali, grazie all'abilità culinaria tramandata da mia madre. Dalla pasta fatta in casa alle pizze, focacce, pane e dolci, la mia preparazione è variegata. Ho seguito corsi di panificazione con particolare attenzione alle caratteristiche delle farine. Mi reputo esperta nei primi piatti e amo condividere momenti conviviali, arricchiti da una selezione eccellente di vini nella mia cantina!
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