Home/The Cesarine's Cookbook/The race of Saint Andrew in Amalfi
View of the Amalfi coast

The race of Saint Andrew in Amalfi

The Run of Saint Andrew is a very particular Amalfi tradition, highly significant for the inhabitants of the area, and truly spectacular for those fortunate enough to witness it.

This ancient rite, celebrated twice a year on June 27th and November 30th, is more than just a religious ceremony dedicated to the patron saint of the city. In fact, over the centuries, involving a large portion of the population in its various stages, this "run" has effectively become a popular cultural event of the area.

In addition to honoring the Saint - who before becoming an Apostle, Martyr, and protector of fishermen, fishmongers, and all those involved in fishing, was himself a fisherman from Capernaum - on this particular day, the community is celebrated, hopes are expressed for a good harvest and a successful catch, and the culinary culture of the coastal area is shared.

Composite image of the interior of a church with priests and the town band playing along a village street

The ceremony involves the statue of the saint, called by the Amalfitans 'o’ viecchio' (literally “the old one”), being carried in procession by religious congregations from the Cathedral to the beach.

Then, the fishermen - chosen not by chance, but as the second highest authority at the inception of this tradition - rush it back to the cathedral, up the monumental staircase, in a ritual reminiscent of that of the Feast of San Matteo in Salerno. Upon reaching the Cathedral, the fishermen, as a gesture of gratitude, leave offerings of fresh fish or small fish made of iron or wood for Saint Andrew.

The festivities continue until evening, with fireworks and fish-based banquets, in which the entire population participates, sharing family recipes and culinary traditions.

Amalfi Duomo

Unmissable is the fish soup called Pignatiello - named after the traditional clay pot in which it is cooked - prepared with red scorpionfish, cuttlefish, small octopuses, mussels, clams, and red prawns, and the Scialatielli, invented by chef Enrico Cosentino and named from the combination of the dialect terms “sciala” (meaning “give free rein”) and “tiell” (“pan”), later Italianized into “Scialatielli”. And here you have the recipe for our Cesarina Alessandra's Scialatielli.

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