Corsi di cucina

Esplorando il Cilento attraverso sapori e tradizioni

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Durata 3h

Max 6 ospiti

Lingue parlate: Italiano e Inglese

Corso di cucina per Pasta Lovers seguito da una degustazione delle ricette preparate durante la lezione

Esperienza privata
La tua esperienza
  • Fusilli fatti in casa con pomodoro fresco e basilico
  • Lagane e ceci di Cicerale
  • Cavatelli fatti a mano

Il Cilento è una regione ricca di tradizioni culinarie che affondano le radici nella vita contadina. Tra queste, i fusilli, noti anche come "maccaruni re casa", insieme ai cavatelli e alle lagane, costituiscono la base della cucina cilentana e sono spesso associati alle festività locali.

Durante la nostra esperienza, avremo l'opportunità di preparare queste pietanze tradizionali utilizzando tecniche autentiche. I fusilli saranno abilmente lavorati con il ferro. Le lagane, invece, saranno accostate ai ceci di Cicerale. Infine, i cavatelli saranno preparati con ingredienti freschi di stagione, rendendo ogni boccone una delizia. Mentre cuciniamo insieme, avremo il piacere di condividere racconti e curiosità legate alla storia e alla cultura di questa affascinante regione.


Totale: 135,00 €

135,00 € 
per ospite

68,00 € per bambino

2 recensioni
What a fantastic experience with Rosanna! Our visit commenced with a warm greeting from Rosanna as we drove into her beautiful home. The cooking class setting was absolutely perfect under a covered outdoor terrace overlooking the valley. The traditional setting and our chef, Rosanna, made the experience so memorable. Rosanna was so pleasant and we were joined by her daughter who supported translation though we would have coped thanks to Google Translate. Being from Australia, the language barrier only added to our authentic experience as we made 3 types of pasta from scratch with fresh local ingredients and expertise that was developed over years of cooking. We felt like we were cooking a family meal together for lunch as part of Rosanna's family which is exactly what we were hoping for. We started by carefully mixing the semolina flour with water to get the right consistency to make fusilli pasta. We started by rolling the pasta into thin 'snakes', which we cut into equal lengths about an inch long. Then, with a twisted metal rod, we rolled the lengths onto the rod with a specific technique and removed it from the rod to leave a thin hollow tube of pasta. Next, we made cavitelli, which is a mix of 80:20 semolina flour and soft 'zero zero' wheat flour. Again, we made lengths of slightly thicker pasta 'snakes' and then cut it into small pieces about 2 cm in length. This was the tricky part... we then rubbed the pasta with 2 fingers or a thumb, and by pressing down and wiping, the pasta curled on itself to make the cavelli shape. By the end, we were becoming experts 😂. Next was the Lagane, which is wide and flat lengths of pasta. We started by using a wooden dowel on the paste to get it very flat and thin. We then floured the top and rolled it onto the dowel, and carefully removed the dowel, leaving a roll or pasta. This was then sliced about 1 inch lengths and unrolled to show lengths of flat pasta, which were then cut into lengths of about 10 cms ready to be cooked. We then placed all our pasta into salted boiling water until 'al dente', and it was mixed with the sauces ready for eating. We enjoyed a red wine whilst cooking and had a 'citruscello' made by Rosanna's husband as an aperitif after we enjoyed eating our creations. Would recommend this experience to anyone travelling who would like to experience traditional and authentic pasta making. Thankyou Rosanna and family for welcoming us into your home and mak8ng and sharing a meal together. This will remain in our memories forever. 🫶🇦🇺 This was an experience we will never forget, and the warmth of Rosanna and her family was amazing.

Fred and Sandy (Australia) - settembre 2024

Our class with Rosanna was wonderful. She was incredibly friendly, accommodating, knowledgeable and was a terrific teacher. We felt welcome from the get go, and thoroughly enjoyed a very authentic experience, learning to make pasta by hand. I can’t recommend this experience highly enough, and would very gladly return.

Angus Greene - luglio 2024

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Cesarina dal 2023Città: Torchiara    Lingue: Italiano e Inglese
Mi chiamo Rosanna e sono un’insegnante in pensione. Amo cucinare sia per la mia famiglia che per i tanti amici che spesso vengono a casa nostra. Solitamente cucino i piatti tipici della mia meravigliosa terra, il Cilento, per citarne alcuni preparo i fusilli, pasta fresca “cavata” con il ferro e condita di solito con il ragù cilentano, fatto di vari pezzi di carne e sugo; cavatelli conditi con sugo semplice e basilico o con ortaggi di stagione, come i carciofi di Paestum, tutti i dolci della tradizione dagli struffoli agli "scauratielli", dalla pastiera ai fichi secchi ("mbaccate"); non può mancare il pane fatto in casa preceduto dalla tipica pizza cilentana cotta in forno con sugo e formaggio caprino all’uscita e tante altre ricette legate sempre alla stagionalità dei prodotti e del mio orto e soprattutto alla Dieta Mediterranea. Tutte ricette tramandate da generazioni e che io stessa ho insegnato alle mie due figlie. La cucina cilentana e’ tradizione, è famiglia, è sentirsi a casa. 
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