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Cesarina dal 2018

Piatto forte: Pici all’aglione

Vivo a: Montepulciano

Lingue parlate: Italiano e Inglese

Buono a sapersi

Offro alternative vegetariane

Ciao da Barbara!

Barbara ci accoglie a Montepulciano Stazione, storico paesino adagiato sulle colline in provincia di Siena, vicino al caratteristico borgo medievale, racchiuso da tre cerchia di mura, una delle mete turistiche più visitate della zona. E basta arrivare alle sue pendici per capire il perché: il centro storico si arrampica sul colle impreziosito da torrioni e campanili, mentre la sua piazza si apre sul panorama mozzafiato della campagna toscana. La casa di campagna della nostra Cesarina restituisce il meglio di questa affascinante atmosfera. Nella sua bella cantina, infatti, invecchiano diverse bottiglie di vino tipico, e anche il resto dell’appartamento è caldo e accogliente. È qui che Barbara ci propone le specialità di una cucina semplice, ma dal carattere schietto e dal gusto indimenticabile.

First Mosaic image
Second Mosaic imageThird Mosaic image
Le mie specialità
  •  Tortini salati con salumi di cinta senese
  •  Pici all’aglione
  •  Coniglio ad arrosto morto
125 recensioni
My husband and I had a great morning with Barbara preparing pasta & dessert. She is so knowledgeable and so nice to chat with! We highly recommend her. The food was better than the food we had the prior night with a private chef. Thank you Barabara!!!

Lori O - luglio 2024

Cooking with Barbara was so much fun! My husband and I signed up for an evening intimate class at Barbara’s home, which was so lovely. One other couple attended the class and we had a great time getting to know them too. Barbara taught us how to make traditional pici pasta and gnocchi from scratch, along with flavorings for the sauce and a tiramisu. We drank red wine while learning new techniques and highly recommend taking this class if you want an authentic experience!

Hannah - luglio 2024

The cooking class with Barbara far exceeded my expectations. I was looking for a family friendly experience since I had three toddlers. From the beginning, Barbara was so warm and welcoming. She was able to seamlessly teach 4 adults and 3 toddlers while also engaging us in conversation, describing her experiences in cooking and lending extra time with the kids. She clearly has tons of knowledge regarding culinary skills and was able to teach us so many little facts and tricks. I will be recommending her to all of my friends who visit the area.

Pam - luglio 2024

We had so much fun learning and cooking with Barbara. Her home was lovely and the pasta and tiramisu was fun to make and delicious to eat.

CGE - giugno 2024

We loved our cooking class with Barbara! She had a beautiful home and taught us how to make two different pastas and tiramisu, which were all delicious. We learned a lot and really enjoyed spending time with her during the class. Definitely was one of the highlights of our trip. We highly recommend that other people book this class with her!

Christie M - giugno 2024

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