Food experiences

Discover Panigacci, ancient unleavened breads

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Duration 2h

Max 8 guests

Spoken languages:  Italian and English

Dining experience: take a seat and enjoy an authentic Italian meal with a local Cesarina

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    Imagine a beautiful summer evening, looking out over a breathtaking panorama: the sea in the distance, the island of Tino and Tinetto. Next to my vegetable garden, the lit brazier and glowing terracotta texts are ready to churn out magnificent Panigacci, hot and fragrant, perfect to enjoy with cold cuts, cheeses, a succulent sausage and a glass of red wine.

    Oh, I almost don't know what Panigacci are? They are one of the oldest unleavened breads, with a thousand-year history of peasant tradition, a true food and wine excellence of our province. I would like to describe their taste and texture, but it is impossible: you must come and taste them!


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    €50.00 per guest

    €25.00 per child

    You’ll receive the exact address after the booking
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    Cesarina from 2023Location: Massa    Languages: Italian and English
    Mainly I like to cook "panigacci" typical dish of the Massa area, originally from Podenzana they are "loaves" that are cooked in terracotta and served in two ways, boiled and seasoned with mushroom sauce / Genoese pesto, oil and cheese . Or dried with cheeses and salami and even nutella. Another typical dish is the "chiodo" sausage paste, always cooked in terracotta texts, a typical dish originating from the small village of Quercia near Aulla. I also like to cook T-bone steaks.
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