Corsi di cucina

Corso di cucina con piatti tipici della tradizione abruzzese

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Montesilvano Colle

Durata 2h

Max 5 ospiti

Lingue parlate: Italiano e Inglese

Corso di cucina: imparerai a realizzare un piatto tipico della tradizione con una degustazione della ricetta preparata durante il corso accompagnata da un calice di vino.

Esperienza condivisa
La tua esperienza

    Ti invitiamo a una deliziosa cooking class dedicata alla cucina abruzzese! Inizieremo con un tris di pasta fresca preparata al momento, includendo la rinomata pasta alla chitarra. Ti farò immergere nell'arte della preparazione dei gustosi arrosticini abruzzesi, spiedini di carne di pecora cotti alla brace, accompagnati dalla mia ricetta segreta per una salsa di pomodoro fatta in casa.

    Per concludere in dolcezza, lavoreremo insieme per creare un delizioso tiramisù, unendo sapientemente ingredienti freschi e genuini. Sarà un'esperienza culinaria indimenticabile, avvolta nei profumi autentici della tradizione abruzzese.


    6 recensioni
    I could not have asked for a better experience. The food was fantastic and the company of Stefania and her family was even better. I highly recommend her to anyone visiting Abruzzo.

    Logan Fisher - luglio 2024

    I can’t say enough about the wonderful evening my family and I had learning to cook from Stefania. She welcomed us into her beautiful home and went above and beyond to make sure that we were comfortable and understood the cooking process. Her passion for cooking is contagious and we had so much fun learning from her. The highlight of the evening was the meal, beautiful setting, and conversation. We feel like we made new friends during the amazing experience.

    Colleen - giugno 2024

    Stefanía and her family welcomed us into their lovely home and we absolutely had the time of our lives! Her home made authentic food all the from region of Abruzzo was to die for! They had wine to pair with it that matched amazingly, and even ended with home made cannolis and cream! Stefanía was such a gracious host even with us not speaking a lot of Italian, but we made it work and had the most fun off entire trip to Italy. I would highly recommended this experience and even more Stefanía to anyone that is slightly interested!

    Megan & Lauryn  - giugno 2024

    That was a completely successful experience. Although I have made pasta myself, this pasta course has revolutionized everything. You can't get a feel for the right procedure and the perfect dough consistency on the internet. This requires a passionate master. I also learned how to make a great tiramisu. The wines selected to match the aperitif, pasta and dessert were perfect. Many thanks to Stefania and Marcello for these warm insights into your cuisine and your excellent hospitality. Cordiali saluti, Benni.

    Benni - giugno 2024

    Stefania made me feel home from the minute I arrived at her place. Her way of teaching and making you feel comfortable are the best! You will learn how to make pasta from scratch and realize that it is not difficult. That’s how Stefania does. She will share with you her secrets and make sure you will eat very well. I recommend her to everyone looking for a real italian experience. Thank you for a very special evening!

    Cintia - giugno 2024

    76,00 € per ospite

    38,00 € per bambino

    Riceverai l'indirizzo esatto dopo aver prenotato.
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    Cesarina dal 2023Città: Montesilvano Colle    Lingue: Italiano e Inglese
    La mia cucina riflette tipicità regionali e presenta ricette originali, grazie all'abilità culinaria tramandata da mia madre. Dalla pasta fatta in casa alle pizze, focacce, pane e dolci, la mia preparazione è variegata. Ho seguito corsi di panificazione con particolare attenzione alle caratteristiche delle farine. Mi reputo esperta nei primi piatti e amo condividere momenti conviviali, arricchiti da una selezione eccellente di vini nella mia cantina!
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