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Carlo e Giusy

Cesarina dal 2020

Piatto forte: Sagne ritorte di grano scuro con pomodorini saltati, scaglie di formaggio ricotta e julienne di melanzane croccanti

Lingue parlate: Italiano, Francese, Inglese

Buono a sapersi

Offro alternative vegetariane

Ciao da Carlo e Giusy!

"Viviamo in un territorio ricco di materie prima eccellenti, per questo motivo possiamo permetterci di essere sempre creativi nella spesa che facciamo. Da quando abbiamo smesso di lavorare, ci siamo trasferiti in campagna in una casa di famiglia costruita nel 1800, dove abbiamo un ricco frutteto e ci divertiamo a preparare marmellate bio di tutti i gusti. D'inverno utilizziamo la sala pranzo, mentre d'estate organizziamo cene nel grande giardino."

First Mosaic image
Second Mosaic imageThird Mosaic image
Le mie specialità
  •  Crema di fave con frigitelli e cimette di cicoria
  •  Sagne ritorte di grano scuro con pomodorini saltati, scaglie di formaggio ricotta e julienne di melanzane croccanti
  •  Polpette e involtini al pomodoro fresco
22 recensioni
MUST DO EXPERIENCE while in Lecce. Carlo and Giusy were so kind and warm, and so generous welcoming us in to their beautiful home. It is such an amazing experience watching them both cook and learning from them. The food was so delicious, and so lovely eating in their gorgeous courtyard. Would recommend this experience. 10/10! Thank you!

Clare & Kenny  - luglio 2024

Wir hatten einen wunderbaren Abend bei Carlo und Giucy

Jessica Bundschuh - giugno 2024

The cooking and dining experience at Carlo’s was exceptional. Highly recommend this for anyone visiting Lecce.

Paula - giugno 2024

A more than a five star rating cooking class! We had a lovely time with Carlo and Giusy who made us feel right at home. In their beautiful characteristic summer house, we made various kinds of pasta and Giusy’s own tiramisu (including chef's three secrets). Carlo also made a delicious dish of eggplant, tomato, smoked cheese, and Parmesan cheese, baked in the oven. We enjoyed all this delicious food in their lovely courtyard garden. We savored the great company and the wonderful food. Highly recommended!!

Elaine & Mariska - maggio 2024

This was a magical experience. Carlo and Giusy were fabulous hosts, warm and friendly, relaxed and great to talk to. The location was breath taking, cooking in their magnificent kitchen and eating in their picturesque courtyard. The food was absolutely delicious, using ingredients they grow in their home or from friends in the area. We chose this as a birthday present and it was well beyond expectation. Such a worthwhile experience.

Daniel, Sam, Eva, Steph - maggio 2024

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