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Cesarina dal 2022

Piatto forte: Pasta con pomodoro fresco e basilico

Vivo a: Lecce

Lingue parlate: Italiano, Inglese, Francese

Buono a sapersi

Offro alternative vegetariane

Ciao da Katia!

"Mi piace coltivare l'orto, trasformare ogni dono della terra in un piatto, realizzato con antiche ricette contadine legate alla cultura culinaria del territorio. Vorrei condividere la mia passione per la terra e la cucina con chi apprezza il giusto mix di cultura tradizione e prodotti a kilometro 0."

First Mosaic image
Second Mosaic imageThird Mosaic image
Le mie specialità
  •  Verdure dell'orto grigliate
  •  Pasta con pomodoro fresco e basilico
  •  Parmigiana
9 recensioni
È stata una bella esperienza, Katia e suo marito mi hanno fatto sentire una di famiglia, ero a Lecce per lavoro da sola e ho pensato di fare questa esperienza la sera invece di cenare da sola , Katia mi è venuta a prendere e mi ha riportato in centro dove alloggiavo, ho imparato a fare 2 tipi di pasta, assaggiato molte cose nuove e il loro fantastico olio! E sta un occasione per imparare ma soprattutto per stare in compagnia di belle persone e buon vino! Grazie Katia! Super consigliata!

Marianna  - dicembre 2024

Katia, Gregory, Angelo and the whole family were extremely welcoming and very passionate about their food. Even Nonna Rossi helped in the kitchen. Everything that we ate was delicious and super fresh. They grow all the vegetables and even make their own olive oil and vinegar. Their friend Mauro taught us how to make fresh mayonnaise (aioli) and it was delicious. This is an experience that we will cherish forever. They are wonderful people. We 100% recommend this experience.

Mendez Family - ottobre 2024

We had a wonderful evening with Katia and her lovely family. From start to finish it was inviting, warm and comforting. Almost all the ingredients were sourced from their own home gardens and you could really taste the love put into the food in every bite. We mostly spoke to Katia and her husband Gregorio in French, their son Angelo speaks great English. From the hand made pasta to the legendary tiramisu, we ate so much and so well that we could barely breathe. We even got to meet her in-laws who brought by some some hyper local digestif to enjoy. If you have the chance to book this experience, don’t hesitate. If you’re looking for the ultimate in Salentine traditional cooking, look no further.

Hannah - settembre 2024

Had the most wonderful evening with Katia and her family, from start to finish it was warm, inviting and comforting. The food prepared was incredible, almost all the ingredients were sourced from their own home gardens in the region and we could really taste the love that went into every bite. We spoke French with Gregorio & Katia while Angelo, their son has excellent English. We even got to enjoy some hyper local digestif with Katia’s in laws who came by. If you have the chance to book this experience, don’t hesitate! I only wish I could’ve been eaten more without the threat of passing out.

Hannah - settembre 2024

Lovely experience w Katia and her family! I felt like a guest in her home. She met me with her sweet son Angelo in Lecce’s historic center, took me to some local markets there to sample some local Leccese treats, and then she drove us to her amazing town (15ish min away?) where we first stopped by the sea, then to her local fishmonger, where we picked up some mussels. We then went to her amazing house and got to know each other over aperitivos and Prosecco. Between her broken English, my broken Italian, her son’s very good English, and google translate, we had a very fun conversation 😄 Her husband shucked the mussels, which we ate raw (the most delicious I have ever had!) and then she showed me how to make pasta. I learned so much, including some very helpful tips that only someone who has been making pasta for years can share with you. She made the sauce from tomatoes, onion, and basil, from a garden steps away from her kitchen and enjoyed the delicious meal together. She then drove me back to the train station. I just wish I had more time with Katia and her family! It was a great experience.

Mio - giugno 2024

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