Calcata: Cooking classesCooking classesCooking class with 2-course tasting in Fiano RomanoHosted by LauraFiano Romano€85 per guestPrivate ExperienceCooking classesWith hands in doughHosted by LauraFiano Romano€129 per guestPrivate Experience
Calcata: Cooking classesCooking classesCooking class with 2-course tasting in Fiano RomanoHosted by LauraFiano Romano€85 per guestPrivate ExperienceCooking classesWith hands in doughHosted by LauraFiano Romano€129 per guestPrivate Experience
FAQWhat are the best cooking classes in Calcata?The best cooking classes in Calcata are:With hands in doughCooking class with 2-course tasting in Fiano RomanoView allWhat are the best food experiences in Calcata?The best food experiences in Calcata are:My sweet welcomeView allWhat are the best food & wine tours in Calcata?The best food & wine tours in Calcata are:Let's prepare and enjoy a special breakfast togetherMarket, Cook and Dine and AperitivoFrom market to table: cooking Amatriciana & Tiramisu View all