Esperienze gastronomiche

Esperienza culinaria ai piedi delle prealpi Orobie

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Durata 2h 30m

Max 8 ospiti

Lingue parlate: Italiano e Inglese

Pranzi e Cene: siediti a tavola e goditi un'autentica esperienza culinaria a casa di una Cesarina locale

Esperienza condivisa
La tua esperienza

    Non vedo l'ora di darvi il benvenuto con rinnovato entusiasmo nella mia luminosa dimora ai piedi delle Prealpi Orobie, a soli 12 minuti da Bergamo, per deliziarvi con le mie creazioni invernali. Vi accoglierò con un aperitivo di benvenuto e alcune prelibatezze:

    • Lasagnette con zucca e taleggio: l'incontro filante tra la delicatezza della zucca e il sapore avvolgente del taleggio delle nostre valli vi regalerà un'esperienza indimenticabile.
    • Strudel salato: un'armoniosa fusione di sapori con il rosso del trevigiano e l'autentico gusto del Branzi.
    • Frollìni al burro di malga: per concludere, questi biscotti dolci addolciranno il palato, perfetti da gustare con l'amaro di un buon caffè preparato con la tradizionale moka.

    Totale: 100,00 €

    100,00 € 
    per ospite

    50,00 € per bambino

    15 recensioni
    Was really happy with the experience. We had such a lovely time at Laura's home. She was really helpful and explained everything well. Her English was reasonable but she had a friend with her to help translate and make sure everyone was understanding. I really loved my experience and would do it again next time. Just be aware that she is in a different province of Bergamo from upper Bergamo city alta so we were €100 for taxi there and back. Was still worth it though just wish I'd realised before I went on it.

    H M - dicembre 2024

    Laura was an excellent host and chef, creating a friendly and welcoming atmosphere, complemented by an aperitif and welcome drink. The dining table was beautifully decorated. Cooking together was a pleasant experience, we had a really good time, learning the tricks and tips for pasta and new combinations of food and spices. Many thanks for a truly memorable evening filled with engaging cooking, delicious food and wonderful recipes!

    Judith - ottobre 2024

    Incredible food and service. Laura is a maestro in the kitchen, and her husband is a sublime host. We had a fantastic evening, learning from Laura, and enjoying a delicious meal made with love, utilizing terrific ingredients true to the season. Full recommendations to Laura for this wonderful experience.

    Nick - ottobre 2024

    Laura was a wonderful hostess and instructor. We came away with a greater knowledge and insight to a few classic local dishes and methods of preparation. Laura is skilled with patience and has a wonderful approach to teaching where beginners to those with more experience learn equally. Laura is a gracious and generous hostess and we loved being able to enjoy our lunch in the garden with herself and her daughter (also a skilled creative in her own right). When we're back on Bergamo will be sure to schedule another lesson - perhaps trying something a bit more experimental!

    Anthony & Sarah - ottobre 2024

    If I say I liked it, it means to say nothing. It was magnificent, divine, welcoming, homely. I was with my child and even for her it was amazing. She was so involved in the process that she did not leave the kitchen for the whole 3 hours. We made tiramisu, Ravioli with Burrata, basil and parmesan, gnocchi with ricotta and spinach. To meet new people who want to share knowledge, history and culture is wonderful. Laura and Filippo gave us a delicious evening and it will be remembered for a long time. Thank you!

    Iana - settembre 2024

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    Cesarina dal 2023Città: Paladina    Lingue: Italiano e Inglese
    Mi chiamo Laura e da sempre amo cucinare e prendermi il tempo per farlo.
     Ho ereditato la passione per la cucina da mia madre, per poi approfondirla ai corsi dell’Alta Scuola di Cucina Cordon Bleu, di pasticceria Da Vittorio e di cucina naturale con la biologa dott.ssa Giuliana Gargano presso la fondazione IRCCS.

     Amo riunire la mia famiglia intorno a una tavola imbandita con le mie ricette che realizzo con amore e passione.
Mi piace fare shopping ai mercati stagionali, viaggiare e provare i piatti della cucina locale, e prendere ispirazione da ciò che stimola la mia creatività.
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