Esperienze gastronomiche

Menù invernale nelle vicinanze delle prealpi orobie

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Durata 3h

Max 8 ospiti

Lingue parlate: Italiano e Inglese

Pranzi e Cene: siediti a tavola e goditi un'autentica esperienza culinaria a casa di una Cesarina locale

Esperienza condivisa
La tua esperienza

    In una dimora ai piedi delle Prealpi Orobie, baciata dalla luce e avvolta dal verde, preparo le ricette che narrano la storia culinaria di Bergamo. Sono piatti classici che regalano sempre piacere quando compaiono sulla tavola, ma mi impegno a evitare abbinamenti scontati. Sperimento con le consistenze e i sapori provenienti da diverse tradizioni che arricchiscono i miei ricettari, tutto per creare un'esperienza culinaria unica e coinvolgente per me e i miei ospiti!

    Ecco alcune delle mie creazioni:

    • Sablèe al parmigiano
    • Cavolfiore arrosto
    • Gnocchi di patate con radicchio e nocciole
    • Crostata di pere dal profumo avvolgente di fave di tonka e arancia
    8 recensioni
    We had a fantastic experience with Laura and her family making a wonderful pasta dinner. Laura is very knowledgeable about cooking. My children and I enjoyed the great conversation of food and life while enjoying the meal on the beautiful patio. I would highly recommend the experience.

    Nancy  - luglio 2024

    Great: BUT ONE BAD THING First, let me tell you I have nothing but praise for Laura and her role as a hostess and the food. It was a beautiful setting, birds singing, flowers in bloom and the food was fresh and light. We enjoyed our "Italian Dining Experience" a great deal. What was the BAD THING? Nothing that was their fault. I DIDN'T sign up for a dining experience but for a cooking class!! The booking people messed up and have been less than delightful to deal with. I expect to find a fair resolution but if you WANT a lovely dinner or long lunch near (suburbs?) of Bergamo, this was great.

    Aggie Professor - luglio 2024

    What a wonderful afternoon! Can’t wait to remake the recipes!

    1 - giugno 2024

    We loved our experience with Laura in her lovely home. The food was delicious and we learned so much on the art of Italian cooking. Would 100% recommends Laura’s cooking school.

    Phil  - maggio 2024

    Our cooking class with Laura was exceptionally good. She is a skilled chef, as well as very organized with all ingredients and tools prepped and ready to go. We were a group of 5. We began with Prosecco and 2 appetizers that were some of the best I've ever tasted. Then we commenced with learning 3 new recipes-A savory spinach and cheese tart, Caccionelli pasta of Bergamo and a chocate dessert tart. We mixed, rolled and stuffed various doughs while learning about local foods of Bergamo. Laura's daughter was our translator. We all had fun learning and laughing together. We feasted on our results and had the pleasure of meeting the whole family. It was more than just a cooking lesson. It was a wonderful cultural experience. I highly recommend Cesarine Laura!

    Teresa Linders  - maggio 2024

    100,00 € per ospite

    50,00 € per bambino

    Riceverai l'indirizzo esatto dopo aver prenotato.
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    Cesarina dal 2023Città: Paladina    Lingue: Italiano e Inglese
    Mi chiamo Laura e da sempre amo cucinare e prendermi il tempo per farlo.
     Ho ereditato la passione per la cucina da mia madre, per poi approfondirla ai corsi dell’Alta Scuola di Cucina Cordon Bleu, di pasticceria Da Vittorio e di cucina naturale con la biologa dott.ssa Giuliana Gargano presso la fondazione IRCCS.

     Amo riunire la mia famiglia intorno a una tavola imbandita con le mie ricette che realizzo con amore e passione.
Mi piace fare shopping ai mercati stagionali, viaggiare e provare i piatti della cucina locale, e prendere ispirazione da ciò che stimola la mia creatività.
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