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Cesarina dal 2023

Piatto forte: Polenta di Storo con funghi nostrani e patate

Vivo a: Paladina

Lingue parlate: Italiano e Inglese

Buono a sapersi

Offro alternative vegetariane

Ciao da Laura!

Mi chiamo Laura e da sempre amo cucinare e prendermi il tempo per farlo.Ho ereditato la passione per la cucina da mia madre, per poi approfondirla ai corsi dell’Alta Scuola di Cucina Cordon Bleu, di pasticceria Da Vittorio e di cucina naturale con la biologa dott.ssa Giuliana Gargano presso la fondazione IRCCS.
Amo riunire la mia famiglia intorno a una tavola imbandita con le mie ricette che realizzo con amore e passione.
Mi piace fare shopping ai mercati stagionali, viaggiare e provare i piatti della cucina locale, e prendere ispirazione da ciò che stimola la mia creatività.

First Mosaic image
Second Mosaic imageThird Mosaic image
Le mie specialità
  •  Strudel salato con trevigiano e formaggio Branzi
  •  Polenta di Storo con funghi nostrani e patate
  •  Tiramisù
19 recensioni
Was really happy with the experience. We had such a lovely time at Laura's home. She was really helpful and explained everything well. Her English was reasonable but she had a friend with her to help translate and make sure everyone was understanding. I really loved my experience and would do it again next time. Just be aware that she is in a different province of Bergamo from upper Bergamo city alta so we were €100 for taxi there and back. Was still worth it though just wish I'd realised before I went on it.

H M - dicembre 2024

Bella esperienza!

Pierluisa  - novembre 2024

Laura was an excellent host and chef, creating a friendly and welcoming atmosphere, complemented by an aperitif and welcome drink. The dining table was beautifully decorated. Cooking together was a pleasant experience, we had a really good time, learning the tricks and tips for pasta and new combinations of food and spices. Many thanks for a truly memorable evening filled with engaging cooking, delicious food and wonderful recipes!

Judith - ottobre 2024

Incredible food and service. Laura is a maestro in the kitchen, and her husband is a sublime host. We had a fantastic evening, learning from Laura, and enjoying a delicious meal made with love, utilizing terrific ingredients true to the season. Full recommendations to Laura for this wonderful experience.

Nick - ottobre 2024

Laura was a wonderful hostess and instructor. We came away with a greater knowledge and insight to a few classic local dishes and methods of preparation. Laura is skilled with patience and has a wonderful approach to teaching where beginners to those with more experience learn equally. Laura is a gracious and generous hostess and we loved being able to enjoy our lunch in the garden with herself and her daughter (also a skilled creative in her own right). When we're back on Bergamo will be sure to schedule another lesson - perhaps trying something a bit more experimental!

Anthony & Sarah - ottobre 2024

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