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Cesarina dal 2018

Piatto forte: Crespelle con carciofi e funghi porcini

Vivo a: Pisa

Lingue parlate: Italiano e Inglese

Buono a sapersi

Offro alternative vegetariane

Ciao da Flora!

Quando si pensa alla città di Pisa viene subito in mente la sua icona - la Torre Pendente - e le migliaia di turisti intenti a farsi fotografare in pose bizzarre ai piedi del celebre monumento. All’ombra della torre vi sono altri tesori da scoprire, tra i quali le prelibatezze preparate dalla nostra Cesarina, Flora, che vive nel cuore della città toscana.Flora fin da piccola seguiva attentamente le preparazioni culinarie della sua famiglia e da allora ha sempre trovato nel cucinare un'oasi di serenità, ricerca, conoscenza e soprattutto una grande passione nel mantenere vive le tradizioni del territorio. Oggi cucina per amici, sempre numerosi, realizzando piatti dai sapori sempre nuovi e rinnovati, scegliendo con cura estrema gli ingredienti che devono provenire da piccole aziende locali, molto qualificate.Alla sua tavola una mise en place classica ed elegante che presenta apparecchiature con servizi di valore e tovaglie ricamate a mano; cura ogni dettaglio dagli abbinamenti di colore, rispetto ai cibi proposti, alle composizioni di fiori e piccole piante fresche.

First Mosaic image
Second Mosaic imageThird Mosaic image
Le mie specialità
  •  Crostini di 'Sua Maestà': crostini di pane e/o quadratini di polenta arrostita con impasto di fegatini di pollo o coniglio, capperi, acciughe dissalate
  •  Crespelle con carciofi e funghi porcini
  •  Trippa alla pisana
28 recensioni
Flora and her husband Claudio were amazing hosts and taught us so much about Italian food. We loved learning how to make gnocchi, garganelli and tiramisu and then we really enjoyed sharing the food with them at the end, as well as many other dishes that Flora had kindly cooked us. The food was amazing and we had our left over tiramisu for breakfast the following morning! Flora and Claudio were such kind and interesting people and we really enjoyed getting to know them as well as having the fantastic cooking experience. Would highly recommend this! Thank you both!

Rachael F - febbraio 2025

No words can express my admiration for the hospitality, exquisite taste and truly Italian cordiality! Flora and her husband Claudio are opened the warm embrace of their home to us, that evening we felt like we were in the family circle. We not only learned the secrets of Italian cuisine (tagliatelle and gnudi were scrumptious!), but also participated in the cooking, according to original authentic recipes and this wonderful experience cannot be replaced by a visit to any famous restaurant. Huge thanks to your wonderful family!

Zhanna  - febbraio 2025

This was even better than a cooking class, it was a dining experience. La Flora and her husband paired traditional seasonal menu items with classical Pisan (and other regional) dishes. The dinner that followed was one of the highlights of our stay in Pisa. The conversation around food, wine, culture, and worldviews was one of the highlights of our recent stay in Pisa. Breaking bread (and conversation) around a local table, one-on-one talks among strangers, is more important than soaking in the "tourist must-see" trip planning. If I have the fortune to revisit Pisa, I will try to register for another cooking/dinner opportunity.

Helen S - Boston, MA - novembre 2024

Lovely pasta making lesson; a home away from home, just like cooking with family :)

Qinxue and Amelia  - novembre 2024

A wonderful experience with Flora and Claudio. The food was delicious and Flora and Claudio made it easy and fun.

Jerry - settembre 2024

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