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Cesarina dal 2023

Piatto forte: Pasta ripiena

Vivo a: Assisi

Lingue parlate: Italiano, Inglese, Spagnolo

Buono a sapersi

Offro alternative vegetariane

Ciao da Lucia!

La cucina è la mia confort zone da sempre. Dalla mia mamma e dalle mie nonne ho appreso l'arte degli arrosti di cacciagione e della pasta fatta in casa, che amo stendere con il mattarello, così non devo andare in palestra!Mi lascio sempre ispirare dai prodotti del mio orto e mi diverto a miscelare ricette diverse, creando piatti tra tradizione e contemporaneità,  come la torta al testo alla canapa o i pancakes di verza! Adoro scoprire i produttori locali e le loro novità: l'aglio nero di Norcia è la mia ultima scoperta e lo declino in varie preparazioni, dal salato al dolce!

First Mosaic image
Second Mosaic imageThird Mosaic image
Le mie specialità
  •  Torta al testo
  •  Pasta ripiena
  •  Torcolo umbro al cioccolato
5 recensioni
Fabulous experience cooking with Lucia who was so welcoming and talented. The food we made was delicious. A highlight of my time in Assisi and I would highly recommend.

Gianna  - agosto 2023

My experience with Cesarine was the highlight of my visit to Assisi. Lucia was my hostess, and she welcomed me into her home and taught me how to make a lovely, delicious meal, which we then shared. I learned so much from Lucia and I so appreciated her warm hospitality. I highly recommend this cooking class for your next visit to Assisi!

Melanie - luglio 2023

Incredible experience with Lucia, took us through some amazing recipes helping with our techniques and answering all our questions! Would highly recommend to anyone wanting to learn more about Umbrian cuisine and take a hands on approach to their food.

Georgia Dudley - luglio 2023

This experience was one I'll treasure forever. My hosts, Lucia and Martina, were absolute wonderful. We had so much genuine, relaxed and authentic fun. I learnt real cooking skills and recipes and the feast afterwards was scrumptious. I cannot reccomend this enough! I really hope to be back. Thank you for everything.

One of the best experiences ever! - giugno 2023

Lucia was a lovely host. We made delicious food together.

Sherri  - giugno 2023

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