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Cesarina dal 2022

Piatto forte: Strangozzi alla norcina

Vivo a: Assisi

Lingue parlate: Italiano e Inglese

Buono a sapersi

Offro alternative vegetariane

Ciao da Eleonora!

Sono Eleonora, una vera appassionata di cucina che vive in un incantevole casale immerso nella campagna umbra. La mia grande passione è la preparazione di pasta fatta in casa, utilizzando esclusivamente ingredienti a km 0 per garantire sapori autentici e genuini.Vivo circondata dalla natura e dai suoi prodotti freschi, offerti dalle stagioni e dal territorio circostante. Mi piace condividere la tradizione culinaria umbra con i miei ospiti, valorizzando i sapori locali grazie all'utilizzo di materie prime coltivate nei campi vicini al mio casale.

First Mosaic image
Second Mosaic imageThird Mosaic image
Le mie specialità
  •  Strangozzi al pesto umbro
  •  Strangozzi alla norcina
  •  Fettuccine ai funghi porcini e tartufo
25 recensioni
Patient teacher, we learned a lot and it was an enjoyable bucket list activity for us to do in Italy

Kristin and Linda - agosto 2024

Accoglienza e speciale gentilezza sono gli ingredienti unici con cui Eleonora si mette a disposizione trasmettendo tutta la sua passione culinaria e la capacità di insegnare a cucinare bene con grande semplicità e pazienza. Davvero una bella esperienza, sicuramente da provare!

Bellissima esperienza ✨️ - agosto 2024

My daughter and I did a cooking class with Eleanora, and it was definitely a highlight of our trip! Eleanora is such a sweet woman and she definitely knows how to cook! We made fettuccine and ravioli, and she was very patient with us even when we couldn't get our pasta to look like hers! We loved talking with Eleanora while having local cheeses, meats, and wine. She told us that she leads these classes because of her love for teaching and her love for cooking, and her personality and demeanor definitely reflect that. I highly recommend this experience, it is definitely an amazing memory that we will not forget from our trip to Italy!

Trulie Myers - luglio 2024

We both had an amazing evening with Eleonora. The setting for our class was in her beautiful home where she first showed us how to make traditional Umbrian bread and Tiramisu, followed by several types of pasta. Whilst Eleonora prepared our pasta dishes we enjoyed local wine, cheeses and meats with a variety of different oils and condiments (The truffle honey was incredible!). Afterwards we sat and chatted as friends whilst sampling digestifs and learning about Eleonoras fascinating life. The whole evening was one that we will always remember and couldn't have hoped for a better host! Thanks again Eleonora, you are one in a million :)

James & Reo - luglio 2024

Eleonora was a very gracious and friendly teacher. She was very patient when showing me some tricks to rolling out the dough and forming certain pastas. This was truly a wonderful memory I will have for a lifetime!

Becky Farabi - giugno 2024

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