Image Profile

Maria Paola

Cesarina dal 2018

Piatto forte: Tortelli al ragù

Vivo a: Viareggio

Lingue parlate: Italiano e Inglese

Buono a sapersi

Offro alternative vegetariane

Ciao da Maria Paola!

Cosa fare, vedere, assaggiare e sperimentare a Viareggio anche lontano dalle più celebri vie del Carnevale? Viareggio è una delle località balneari più affascianti d'Italia. Una città con un'anima liberty, con edifici storici ed eleganti caffetterie, che ricorda un pezzo dell'Italia degli anni Venti. E' un bellissimo 'angolo di sabbia' con file di ombrelloni sempre eleganti, le montagne sullo sfondo e le cave bianche in lontananza. Nel centro della città, in una casa denominata "viareggina", incontriamo Maria Paola. La nostra Cesarina ha ereditato la passione per la cucina e la preparazione di paste fresche da suo padre, che a sua volta aveva imparato a cucinare dai contadini della campagna lucchese. Fin da ragazzina si rinchiudeva in cucina per creare i 'suoi piatti' e oggi la sua più grande soddisfazione viene dall'ospitare persone, che si sentono sempre a proprio agio, in un ambiente accogliente e rilassato. Le sue abilità culinarie spaziano dalla cucina di carne e pesce, ricette tipiche dell’enogastronomia della più antica tradizione versiliese.

First Mosaic image
Le mie specialità
  •  Crostini toscani
  •  Tortelli al ragù
  •  Pollo in cacciucco alla Puccini (ricetta della compagnia della Bohème) servita su polenta arrostita
32 recensioni
Maria and Roberto invited us not only into there house but also there life in Viareggio, we learned so much and had such a great time, we would recommend this experience to anyone, she even made special dish for our child. I can not say enough kind words for Maria.

Brian T. - marzo 2025

We had a very enjoyable morning and afternoon with Paola and her husband learning the recipes from scratch for the two pasta dishes we made as well as the Tiramisu. Despite the translation from Italian to English through a translation app, Paola was very helpful and catered to all our different learning styles. The meal afterwards was prepared with care with Prosecco, wine, antipasti from the garden/local areas, and then our three dishes which we had prepared during the earlier hours. Would 100% recommend the experience for anyone looking to learn some local Tuscan/Italian cooking and also pick up some Italian words along the way.

Alex - gennaio 2025

Our cooking class with Paola was one of our favorite experiences on our trip. She communicated with us primarily using a translation app, but her husband and friend were also there to assist with translating. They were all very welcoming, hospitable, and so sweet. We made tortellini, pici, and tiramisu, then all had dinner together with some antipasto, wine, and homemade limoncello. All the food was amazing, Paola was the most patient teacher, we had a great time chatting with them, and highly recommend her cooking class!

Sarita - dicembre 2024

My husband and I did a pasta making class with Maria Paola and had a great experience! We learned how to make tortellini, tagliatelle and tiramisu. We had a delicious dinner with Maria and her husband Massimo - they shared many stories about Italy. By the end of the meal, they felt like family. Thank you Maria, for opening up your home and being so welcoming! 🇮🇹💖

Angela B - novembre 2024

Thank you for a lovely meal and a great experience! :)

Lotte Kihle - ottobre 2024

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