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Cesarina dal 2022

Piatto forte: Pappa al pomodoro di mare

Vivo a: Camaiore

Lingue parlate: Italiano e Inglese

Buono a sapersi

Offro alternative vegetariane

Ciao da Annarita!

 "Sono nata in Garfagnana, una zona verde tra l’Appennino Tosco-Emiliano e le Alpi Apuane, un’isola felice di gente semplice, solidale e coraggiosa, che in passato ha conosciuto la povertà e la fatica e, per molti anni i boschi, le castagne, i funghi e la neve sono stati il mio pane quotidiano. Per amore mi sono trasferita a Camaiore e il mare, il pesce e le barche sono entrati a far parte del mio mondo. Cucinare per me è tradizione, ricordo, passione, amore, generosità, cura di sé e degli altri. Dal 2012 ho un blog di cucina Il bosco di alici, nel quale racconto di me e della mia cucina. Ho imparato a cucinare guardando mia madre farlo ogni giorno, con amore, con dedizione e con rispetto. Cerco sempre di usare ingredienti di qualità, di utilizzare prodotti del territorio e di non sprecare il cibo. Ho lavorato nella cucina di agriturismi, ristoranti e come personal chef, cercando ogni volta di imparare e migliorare".  

First Mosaic image
Second Mosaic imageThird Mosaic image
Le mie specialità
  •  Acciughe alla povera o ripiene
  •  Pappa al pomodoro di mare
  •  Totani ripieni
16 recensioni
Our group of five senior adults had a most wonderful experience with Annarita at the 3 Pastas Cooking Class in Camiore. We considered this day one of our most fun and helpful for our future Italian pasta cooking. We were welcomed by Annarita into her home. She treated us like family. We were happy to learn the fun things she taught. And then, the finished meal we had from our class when Annarita put it all together was fantastic. I would recommend this to all who enjoy learning while traveling, and to immerse yourself into a cultural experience you can always share and remember with pictures and memories as a highlight of your trip. Thank you, Annarita. Keep up the good work.

Edwin B - febbraio 2025

Lovely experience. Annarita was fun and explained things well. Her English was very good and lunch in her garden under the kiwis was very pleasant. I was in a group with 3 others and that made the experience even better. Talking to everyone and taking turns trying techniques was great. Going back next week for gnocchi!

Joann - settembre 2024

What a great experience we had with Annarita! She was very generous of her time. Shared her recipes, answered all our questions. And what about eating outside under the kiwi trees. It will be one of the highlights of our trip to Italy.

Nicole - settembre 2024

If you’re looking for a perfect local cooking experience, Anna is the one ! She makes sure you learn how to cook italian properly and made us do the work! Which we loved!! She takes the time to get to know you on a personal level, has a charming personality and is an amazing teacher/chef. Highly recommended. Her hospitality was impeccable and genuine. She made us feel at home cooking with your Mama. Fun fact. She’s a professional chef!

Mais - luglio 2024

Lunch with Annarita was absolutely delightful. We shared a sublime meal of fish-based Italian cuisine in her garden as we recounted stories of our own respective travels. Oh, and an artist by nature, she takes absolutely stunning photos – one more way to lock in memories from your time in Tuscany

Andrew - maggio 2024

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