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Cesarina dal 2023

Piatto forte: Risotto di zucca

Vivo a: Lucca

Lingue parlate: Italiano, Inglese, Spagnolo, Francese

Buono a sapersi

Offro alternative vegetariane

Ciao da Margherita!

La mia cucina è una cucina sana, sostenibile fatta con prodotti di stagione naturali raccolti e trasformati da me, coltivati nel nostro podere o da una rete di produttori locali responsabili. Prediligo proporre una cucina vegetariana con ispirazione a piatti della tradizione toscana lucchese, con contaminazioni internazionali. Da due anni ricerco e sperimento con piatti a base di erbe, verdure e fiori per valorizzare e far conoscere il paesaggio degli oliveti di Lucca attraverso i sensi.

First Mosaic image
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Le mie specialità
  •  Fusilli al ferretto con salsa di finocchietto selvatico e noci
  •  Risotto di zucca
  •  Tagliolini agli agrumi
3 recensioni
Margherita was wonderful. We had a great time cooking, and the dinner outside afterwards was very nice. A german couple was there at the same time and they were really nice, so everything was perfect. Truely a lovely Italian place in the Tuscan hills. Can highly rekommandert this experience.

Kristine Ræder - luglio 2024

Margherita made the cooking class an unforgettable experience on her olive farm in the mountains. She provided 3 great recipes which we had to prepare and gave us a lot of information about the ingredients used and the way how to prepare them. Furthermore, Margherita was very patient and showed us how to improve our handling in making pasta. All in all, it was a pleasure to meet Margherita, her husband and the other two guests in this class and share such a great evening together with a lot of new things learned and very good dinner at the end. We just can say thank you very much for this great evening.

Daniel G. - luglio 2024

We received a very friendly welcome. The atmosphere was always great. The cooking class was awesome and very well prepared. We had an amazing insight into the Italian tradition. At the end the food was extraordinary.

Martin - luglio 2024

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