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Cesarina dal 2021

Piatto forte: Pasta fatta a mano con sugo

Lingue parlate: Italiano, Inglese, Francese

Buono a sapersi

Offro alternative vegetariane

Ciao da Mariuccia!

Nel cuore della Valle d'Itria, immersa in una vegetazione di uliveti e di macchia mediterranea, sorge la cittadina di Martina Franca, che dista a pochi chilometri da Alberobello e dai celeberrimi trulli. In questa zona dell'entroterra si trovano le tradizioni culturali, archeologiche ed enogastronomiche, che hanno reso celebre, in tutto il mondo, il "tacco d'Italia". Qui incontriamo Mariuccia, che ci fa assaggiare i prodotti tipici di questa terra: oltre alle carni, i salumi, i formaggi, le famose burrate e mozzarelle, il tutto accompagnato dai pregiati vini, come il vino Doc di Martina Franca. "Mi piace cucinare, sono sempre alla ricerca di novità, anche se la cucina tradizionale è sempre la più buona, cucinare è un'arte."

First Mosaic image
Second Mosaic imageThird Mosaic image
Le mie specialità
  •  Purè di fave e cicoria
  •  Pasta fatta a mano con sugo
  •  Crostata di marmellata fatta a casa
13 recensioni
Mariuccia was absolutely lovely and made our day very special. She is a kind, friendly and warm person and we felt welcomed and very comfortable in her home. She taught us to cook and made it fun and enjoyable. Her family joined us for lunch which made it extra special and we felt part of a lovely family in their beautiful home

Andrew & Sandra Hanson - luglio 2024

We had a wonderful evening with Mariuccia. She showed us how to make orecchiette and we got an incredible meal with antipasti (we will never forget the fresh figs from her garden), with the orecchiette we made and a crostata. We also enjoyed getting to know Mariuccias family and friends. Thank you for everything!!

Magdalena  - giugno 2024

My daughter and I had a wonderful time with Marriuccia. She demonstrated to us how to make orecchiette and taught us how to roll and form them. She prepared a delicious pizzetta con salsa. She also made us a cake with her homemade marmalade. She prepared for us an antipasti plate which was so very generous of her. She even made a plate for my husband that picked us up after the class. Her home was warm and inviting and she and her family made us feel very welcome. We had an excellent experience. Thank you Marriuccia!

Laurie & Shalea - giugno 2024

Good food, nice family!

Paul - ottobre 2023

It was a very nice evening and together with the family we enjoyed it very much good food and nice stories

Coby - agosto 2023

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undefined - Martina Franca

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undefined - Alberobello

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