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Cesarina dal 2021

Piatto forte: Ravioli ripieni di erbe spontanee

Vivo a: Laterina

Lingue parlate: Italiano e Inglese

Buono a sapersi

Offro alternative vegetariane

Ciao da Marzia!

"La mia casa confina con la riserva naturale 'di bandella', dove ancora vivono gli animali del bosco. È un'abitazione su un unico piano, senza barriere architettoniche, recentemente ristrutturata: cucina moderna e accessoriata, sala per accoglienza ospiti, forno a legna, cucina abitabile nella veranda all'esterno, dove come sfondo abbiamo il massiccio del Pratomagno. Ho un grande orto, dove cerco di fare scorte di prodotti per l'inverno e tanti animali da cortile. Quando è il periodo vado in cerca di erbe spontanee, per poter fare il ripieno per i ravioli, e mi dedico alla raccolta di funghi."

First Mosaic image
Second Mosaic imageThird Mosaic image
Le mie specialità
  •  Crostini neri
  •  Ravioli ripieni di erbe spontanee
  •  Nana con rocchini (anatra con polpette di sedano, piatto tipico della zona Valdarno Aretino)
16 recensioni
We had the most wonderful experience with our Cesarine, Marzia, in Italy! She guided us through the art of making traditional pasta, and the joy of learning was matched only by the delicious meal we shared with wine. There was laughter throughout as we learned pasta skills, and we left feeling inspired to recreate the magic at home. It was an unforgettable morning, and we’re so grateful for the memories and newfound culinary knowledge!

Emma - ottobre 2024

We was not sure what to expect, but it way exceeded our expectations. Had the most amazing time, not only cooking, eating and drinking some great wine, but meeting some amazing people that we will never forget. So if you want to learn from one of the top pasta and Tiramisu winners in Italy, then look no further 😀

Alex - settembre 2024

We loved Marzia’s class! She did a great job teaching us despite a language barrier but it was fun trying to figure out what the other was saying and it provided a very genuine Italian experience! The house we cooked at was very beautiful and the food was amazing! We made tagliatelle and ravioli and a grape cake with marscapone. She was very accommodating since neither of us like coffee, she came up with a unique grape dessert. It was very yummy and fun to make. A very authentic and enjoyable experience!

Cecilia - settembre 2024

My sister and I had a great time during our cooking class with Marzia. We learned so much about cooking techniques and the food was INCREDIBLE. Marzia helped us to make various courses and we had the most delicious meal. (I usually don’t love tiramisu but the one we made with Marzia was delicious). Marzia was so kind, should definitely recommend her class for anyone who wants to make an amazing meal and have some fun :)

Maria M - settembre 2024

Really enjoyed the cooking class. Marzia was a lovely person and me and my wife had lots of fun.

Johan Melin - settembre 2024

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