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Cesarina dal 2018

Piatto forte: Frittini genovesi: frisceu, baccalà, verdure

Vivo a: Genova

Lingue parlate: Italiano e Inglese

Buono a sapersi

Offro alternative vegetariane

Ciao da Vittoria!

La mia cucina trae ispirazione principalmente dalle ricette regionali ligure e piemontese, con un forte accento sulla valorizzazione dei prodotti tipici del territorio. Ho una particolare predilezione per l'uso di spezie ed erbe, adoro preparare piatti a base di pesce. Tuttavia, il mio repertorio culinario non si ferma qui: amo esplorare anche altre tradizioni regionali italiane e le cucine di altri paesi, poiché mi piace sperimentare per offrire sempre nuovi, sorprendenti sapori ai miei ospiti.

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Le mie specialità
  •  Focaccia genovese e focaccia al formaggio
  •  Frittini genovesi: frisceu, baccalà, verdure
  •  Battolli ......tagliatelle di castagne al pesto, patate, cavolo
6 recensioni
Vittoria was an amazing hostess and teacher. We learn so many different cooking skills from her. She has a great love of cooking and is excited to share her knowledge. We would highly recommend attending her cooking class. It definitely was THE BEST TIME EVER!

Karen - giugno 2024

We had a wonderful time in every way at Vittoria’s class! In her charming seaside home, we truly enjoyed each course she helped us create! Delicious! We’re so glad she gave us the recipes so we can try to make at home, though the atmosphere won’t be quite the same! Can’t wait to try out on our family! Thanks Vittoria!

Chris & Sally - maggio 2024

Great local food, beautiful views and fun conversation! We were able to easily walk from the train station.

Katheryn Horton - aprile 2024

Vittoria was a patient and knowledgeable teacher. We worked through making focaccia, tiramisu, and pasta. We also had a delicious fried dough appetizer. We shared a the delicious items we prepared while enjoying the lovely view from her home. This was a wonderful experience that I would highly recommend.

Libby - aprile 2024

The cooking class with Vittoria was the highlight of our trip! It was so special to be in her beautiful house and to experience the genuine, traditional Italian recipes from her family. The food was so delicious and we also learned so much about cooking in general -- she really knows what she's talking about and her passion for food is contagious! Very highly recommended, we will be back again next time we are in Genoa!

Jinju - gennaio 2024

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