Food experiences

A family dinner

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Maria Rita


Duration 2h 30m

Max 10 guests

Spoken languages:  Italian, Spanish, English

Dining experience: take a seat and enjoy an authentic Italian meal with a local Cesarina

Private Experience
Your experience

    Maria Rita cooks with love for her Guests.

    Recipes handed down through generations with tricks that make her unique:

    Sicilian Caponata with toasted almonds, fish cuscús, sarde Beccafico with flavored potatoes, and cannolo with sheep's milk ricotta with pistachio granola.

    A dinner in an elegant dining room that Maria Rita takes care of in detail for an unforgettable event accompanied with a piano background.

    Gluten free

    14 reviews
    Maria Rita was amazing. We absolutely loved visiting her home and learning all of her cooking tips. She was so hospitable and made us feel like family.

    Brittany Travia - July 2024

    Ein unvergleichlicher Abend mit Maria als passionierte Köchin und kursleiterin haben wir einen echten und authentischen Einblick in die originale sizilianische Küche bekommen. Ein absolutes Muss bei einem Besuch in sizilien ist die cooking class von Maria in Syrakus . Es war jede Minute wert. Besser geht es nicht. Vielen Dank für dieses unvergessliche Erlebnis.

    Ronald and Beate - May 2024

    It was a great cooking experience! Maria Rita and her husband welcomed us warmly and we enjoyed an aperitivo with traditional Sicilian dishes before our cooking lesson. Even though I was a complete beginner in the cooking class, thanks to her detailed guidance, we were able to enjoy cooking. The dinner of two types of pasta and tiramisu were so delicious that it was hard to believe that they were made with such simple ingredients, and the tomato sauce that was passed down in her family was especially delicious. Highly recommended to anyone looking for a nice experience and dinner in Syracuse.

    wakana - February 2024

    What an evening! A warm welcome by Maria Rita and her son, Giacomo. Aperitivo of traditional Sicilian snacks, then off to the kitchen. Step-by-step we learned the pasta-making process, then tiramisu from scratch…we were wined and dined in true Sicilian fashion in her beautiful home. A highlight of our journeys.

    Bruce - November 2023

    We werden warm ontvangen door het hele gezin. Naast de heerlijke pasta’s die we zelf hebben gemaakt hebben we genoten van de live muziek en de heerlijke wijn. Absolute aanrader!

    Anoek - October 2023

    €95.00 per guest

    €47.50 per child

    You’ll receive the exact address after the booking
    Image Profile
    Maria Rita
    Cesarina from 2022Location: Syracuse    Languages: Italian, Spanish, English
    "I love cooking because it relaxes me and takes me away from the stress of life. I love sweets and decorations and I am constantly studying with first courses, second courses and side dishes. I love the Mediterranean diet, I prefer fish but I like to vary. I love having friends. and family members at home, despite my work I commit a lot, because the table unites .... My family appreciates a lot and always asks for something new to offer on the table "
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