Food experiences

Sunday lunch with my family's recipes

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Duration 2h 30m

Max 4 guests

Spoken languages:  Italian and English

Tasting of traditional dishes

Private Experience
Your experience

    Experience Sicily for a day! You'll become more than a guest: you'll be part of my family, enjoying a classic Sunday family meal. From appetizers to dessert, everything will have the aroma and flavor of Sicily. Savor a delicious caponata, a scrumptious timballo di anelletti, and unforgettable ricotta cannoli!

    Total: €95.00

    per guest

    €47.50 per child

    15 reviews
    Abbiamo vissuto un’esperienza meravigliosa grazie a Gilda, che ci ha accolte nella sua splendida casa con grande cura e attenzione ai dettagli. Ogni angolo era curato con amore, creando un’atmosfera calda e accogliente perfetta per il nostro addio al nubilato. Il corso di cucina è stato divertente e coinvolgente: Gilda ha pensato a tutto, guidandoci con professionalità e passione nella preparazione di piatti deliziosi. Ogni portata è stata un trionfo di sapori e condivisione, trasformando la cena in un momento speciale che ricorderemo a lungo. Grazie di cuore per questa esperienza unica, che consigliamo a chiunque voglia vivere una serata all’insegna del buon cibo, della convivialità e del calore di una vera casa!

    Daniela - March 2025

    I would like to comment and say how wonderful Gilda was - it was one of the highlights of our trip We loved her and her passion kindness - food we made was amazing We had the best time and I can’t say enough how wonderful she was and how she went above and beyond to accommodate us and our schedule She was so friendly and caring and it was like we knew each other for years Thank you to Gilda!!!

    Patti - November 2024

    Cena superba, Gilda è una persona ospitale, una cuoca eccelsa e una splendida persona sia umanamente che professionalmente. Mi aspettavo un approccio formale invece ci siamo sentite a casa .La consiglio caldamente top !!!

    Annalena - August 2024

    By far, our day with Gilda was the best cooking experience, our family has ever had. The trip through the market was incredible. Gilda taught us volumes about what makes Sililian cuisune so unique. She was a lavish and generous host who taught us a great deal about Sicilian cooking well beyond the exquisite dishes she prepared. Gilda has an impressive education and career as a chef. With her kind and generous personality, learning and cooking with her was a pleasure.

    The Santangelo Family - July 2024

    It was a really great experience. Gilda has welcomed us in her house and we felt like at home. She knows a lot about cooking and taught us how to make the perfect pasta. We cooked two different pasta dishes together and prepared a tiramisu. Then we ate together with her family. It was simply a perfect evening.

    Jordi - June 2024

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    Image Profile
    Cesarina from 2018Location: Syracuse    Languages: Italian and English
    From its fascinating position on the sea to its archaeological monuments, Syracuse is the perfect city to lounge under the sun on its beautiful beaches, experience a classic tragedy in the ancient Greek theater or lose oneself in the narrow streets of Ortigia, the historic center, following the sounds, colors or the tantalizing aroma of Sicilian cuisine... Following the aroma emanating from the traditional Sicilian dishes will bring you to Gilda’s, our Cesarina. Gilda has an innate passion for cooking. She loves to cook and receive friends and relatives, organizing lunches and dinners at home. Gilda makes you feel at home and the atmosphere is cheerful and lively, and her table is always full of flowers and colorful!
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