Food & Wine Tours

Irpinia's culinary gems: wine, oil & local products

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Mirabella Eclano

Duration 3h

Max 3 guests

Spoken languages:  Italian and English

Discover local products with a street food tour or a visit to a local producer

Private Experience
Your experience

    I live in the lush region of Irpinia, and my town, Mirabella Eclano, is a treasure trove brimming with culinary delicacies. We will embark on a food and wine tour of local cellars, taste exceptional oils like Ravece, and savor the renowned nougat from Grottaminarda. If time permits, we can also indulge in typical cold cuts and cheeses.



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    1 review
    Cucinare divertendosi in ottima compagnia. Ho imparato diverse tecniche per rendere più creativi i dolcetti di carnevale. Cesarina Rita empatica e professionale allo stesso tempo. Esperienza vivamente consigliata.

    Anna Maria  - February 2023

    €110.00 per guest

    €55.00 per child

    You’ll receive the exact address after the booking
    Image Profile
    Cesarina from 2022Location: Mirabella Eclano    Languages: Italian and English
    "I express my love for cooking in various recipes handed down and revisited. My main dishes are: cavatelli, fusilli, lasagna, stuffed pasta; I enrich them with imagination, good taste and seasonality. I use zero kilometer products, I like to decorate dishes with flowers and herbs. I prepare second courses of meat and fish, combining them with excellent wines. To finish on a sweet note, I prepare tarts, tiramisu, fruit pies ".
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