Morimondo: Cooking Classes, Food experiences and Food & Wine Tours

5 (15)
Cooking classes Milan: The cuisine of leftovers, between tradition and modernity
Cooking classes
The cuisine of leftovers, between tradition and modernity Hosted by Beatrice
€129 per guest
Private Experience
5.0 (120)
Cooking classes Milan: Tagliatelle, ravioli and tiramisu: icons of Italian cuisine
Cooking classes
Tagliatelle, ravioli and tiramisu: icons of Italian cuisineHosted by Sandra
€129 per guest
Shared Experience
5 (3)
Cooking classes Busto Arsizio: Dinner to discover the flavors of the Lombardy tradition
Cooking classes
Dinner to discover the flavors of the Lombardy traditionHosted by Arianna Clara
Busto Arsizio
€129 per guest
Private Experience
4.8 (4)
Cooking classes Milan: Milanese cooking class, bruschetta and fresh pasta
Cooking classes
Milanese cooking class, bruschetta and fresh pastaHosted by Annamaria
€145 per guest
Private Experience
Cooking classes Busto Arsizio: Learn to Make Delicious Birthday Cakes
Cooking classes
Learn to Make Delicious Birthday CakesHosted by Vita
Busto Arsizio
€135 per guest
Private Experience
5 (14)
Food & Wine Tours Milan: Shopping at the farmers market, cook and eat
Food & Wine Tours
Shopping at the farmers market, cook and eat Hosted by Sissi
€189 per guest
Private Experience
5.0 (66)
Cooking classes Milan: Special noodles and ravioli straw and hay
Cooking classes
Special noodles and ravioli straw and hayHosted by Giuliana
€214 per guest
Shared Experience
5.0 (120)
Cooking classes Milan: Altamura & Milan: a journey through south and north cuisine
Cooking classes
Altamura & Milan: a journey through south and north cuisineHosted by Sandra
€135 per guest
Shared Experience
Food experiences Galliate: Back to basics, Lombardo menu
Food experiences
Back to basics, Lombardo menuHosted by Norma
€58 per guest
Shared Experience
5 (15)
Food experiences Milan: Autumn flavors: from farm to fork
Food experiences
Autumn flavors: from farm to forkHosted by Beatrice
€65 per guest
Private Experience
5 (2)
Food & Wine Tours Milan: Neighborhood market visit and appetizer
Food & Wine Tours
Neighborhood market visit and appetizerHosted by Nicoletta e Fabio
€139 per guest
Shared Experience
Food experiences Milan: Scents from Veneto
Food experiences
Scents from VenetoHosted by Riccardo
€95 per guest
Private Experience
5 (2)
Cooking classes Busto Arsizio: All the secrets of the perfect shortcrust pastry!
Cooking classes
All the secrets of the perfect shortcrust pastry!Hosted by Arianna Clara
Busto Arsizio
€135 per guest
Private Experience
5 (2)
Food & Wine Tours Milan: Pici: the most beloved fresh pasta in Tuscany
Food & Wine Tours
Pici: the most beloved fresh pasta in TuscanyHosted by Giacomo
€149 per guest
Shared Experience
5.0 (120)
Cooking classes Milan: The signature dishes of Italian cuisine: pizza and tiramisu
Cooking classes
The signature dishes of Italian cuisine: pizza and tiramisuHosted by Sandra
€129 per guest
Shared Experience
5.0 (120)
Cooking classes Milan: Aperitif between Puglia and Lombardy
Cooking classes
Aperitif between Puglia and LombardyHosted by Sandra
€102 per guest
Shared Experience
5 (2)
Cooking classes Milan: Taste of home with handmade pasta and other delicacies
Cooking classes
Taste of home with handmade pasta and other delicaciesHosted by Paola
€129 per guest
Shared Experience
Food & Wine Tours Milan: The Island Market
Food & Wine Tours
The Island MarketHosted by Davide
€149 per guest
Shared Experience

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