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Cesarina dal 2021

Piatto forte: Tajarin al ragù di coniglio

Vivo a: Baveno

Lingue parlate: Italiano, Inglese, Francese

Buono a sapersi

Offro alternative vegetariane

Ciao da Gabriella!

"La cucina mi ha appassionato fin dal bambina, seguivo attenta la mamma ai fornelli cercando di imparare tutte le sue ricette. La mia è una cucina a 360 gradi che valorizza la mia regione, il Piemonte. Con il mio compagno, conoscitore di vini , che mi segue nelle mie creazioni, prepariamo piatti che rispettano la tradizione con particolare attenzione alla ricerca e selezione degli ingredienti."

First Mosaic image
Second Mosaic imageThird Mosaic image
Le mie specialità
  •  Tartrà con fonduta di Bettelmatt
  •  Tajarin al ragù di coniglio
  •  Stracotto al Barolo con polenta

  Corsi di cucina (11)

37 recensioni
Our evening with Gabriella and her husband was so special and a highlight of our trip. They were so welcoming and accommodating. We learned a lot and made some delicious food that we will definitely try to recreate at home. Gabriella’s home has got to be the best restaurant in town - don’t miss out!

Samantha C. - luglio 2024

It was incredible evening! The hosts were wonderful, generous, and kind. I would highly recommend this experience to others!

Melissa - luglio 2024

A fantastic experience and the highlight of our trip. I cannot thank Gariella enough! She catered specially for my two year old and we absolutely loved it

Tara & India - giugno 2024

I had a delightful afternoon with Gabriella, who is kind, warm, and a stellar cook and teacher! We made the most delicious tagliatelle, gnocchi and tiramisu using fresh and simple ingredients. We took things at a perfect pace, and while we worked, she told stories about making gnocchi with her grandmother and so forth, really personalizing the experience. She also gave me tips for substituting ingredients to make some recipes vegan, to accommodate my son. She's very knowledgeable, and it's evident that she loves what she's doing. I now have a wonderful memory of a personal connection I made in Italy, and will think of her and our afternoon whenever I make these dishes in my own kitchen.

Julie Amery - giugno 2024

One of the most memorable experiences in Italy! Gabriella was a gracious host and an amazing and patient teacher, especially for hosting 3 Americans and a Swede who all don't speak Italian! We had so much fun learning to make local dishes and learning so much about local wine from her equally gracious husband! We even got to catch the sunset from their cozy home! Highly recommend for anyone visiting Lake Maggiore!

Lauren - giugno 2024

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