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Cesarina dal 2018

Piatto forte: Pasta fresca ai sardoni

Vivo a: Trieste

Lingue parlate: Italiano, Inglese, Francese

Buono a sapersi

Offro alternative vegetariane

Ciao da Giovanna!

Trieste, città importante per la sua storia, il suo porto, i venti di Bora, i suoi caffè storici dal profumo di chicchi di caffè tostato e un melting pot gastronomico che va scoperto e riscoperto... La classica cucina triestina mitteleuropea la possiamo scoprire e gustare a casa di Giovanna, la nostra Cesarina. Giovanna ama la cucina tradizionale semplice, realizzata con ingredienti freschi, verdure e frutta di stagione. I suoi piatti sono conditi con un ottimo olio di oliva, erbe aromatiche e qualche spezia con piccole incursioni nelle cucine del mondo. Nella sua cucina potete trovare una ricca dispensa di sughi, conserve, pasta, distillati, dolci, tutto rigorosamente fatto in casa.

First Mosaic image
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Le mie specialità
  •  Tris di tre gamberi con pomodorini e verdurine
  •  Pasta fresca ai sardoni
  •  Insalata di polpo alla dalmata
18 recensioni
A very nice, kind and attentive host/teacher. Can’t wait to go home and apply the new knowledge I got from Giovanna

Diana - febbraio 2025

What a wonderful evening in Trieste. We enjoyed an excellent meal at Giovanna's, who was so warm and welcoming that we felt like we were embraced by the whole world. It was very unusual for us to be in this private athmosphere, but the open and lovely way we were welcomed made it easy for us to enjoy the evening. Our hostess's exciting insights into the local cuisine, traveling and the city made the time fly by and we were enriched with many great impressions. Thank You very much Giovanna!

Andrea and Christian - febbraio 2025

Giovanna was absolutely lovely! We got to cook some great local food and then enjoy it with a wonderful wine. It was a lovely experience! Thank you again !

Isabelle & Barry - dicembre 2024

We had a lovely stay at Giovanna‘s. The cooking class and the food afterwards was really special. We would always come back to that lovely place. Thanks for having us, we truely enjoyed it! We would highly recommend the class from Giovanna to everyone!

Philipp - dicembre 2024

Es war eine außergewöhnliche und interessante Erfahrung mit Giovanna zu kochen beziehungsweise bekocht zu werden. Wir haben uns in ihrer Wohnung, die mit ihren schönen eigenen Bildern und geschmackvollen alten Möbeln dekoriert ist, sehr gastfreundlich behandelt gefühlt. Danke Giovanna

Anita - ottobre 2024

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