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Cesarina dal 2022

Piatto forte: Orecchiette fatte in casa con salsa biologica e cacioricotta di capra

Vivo a: Fasano

Lingue parlate: Inglese e Italiano

Buono a sapersi

Offro alternative vegetariane

Ciao da Maria!

"Accoglierò i miei ospiti nell'antica Masseria di campagna, immersa tra gli ulivi secolari, in un'unica posizione ai piedi delle colline della Selva di Fasano, con l'incantevole vista della distesa di ulivi che portano al mare. Raccoglieremo insieme la verdura dal nostro orto, per poi creare i tipici piatti della tradizione familiare."

First Mosaic image
Second Mosaic imageThird Mosaic image
Le mie specialità
  •  Zucchine alla poverella con menta fresca
  •  Orecchiette fatte in casa con salsa biologica e cacioricotta di capra
  •  Brace tipica fasanese: spiedini di alette di pollo, salsiccia al punto di coltello e bombette(involtini tipici di carne di maiale)
22 recensioni
My daughter and son-in-law thoroughly enjoyed the experience. The setting was magical and Maria and her daughter were awesome.

Gregory Gardner - ottobre 2024


Gregory - ottobre 2024

A really enjoyable cooking and cultural experience with Maria. She is a very welcoming and friendly person and excellent cook. The farm visits and visiting her beautiful home was a real delight. The experience was highlight of my stay in puglia .

Martin - settembre 2024

Beautiful authentic masseria belonging to one family for several generations with a spacious kitchen, a picturesque garden and a table elegantly set outside in the shade. Maria is a great host, attentive to details, smily, shared local cuisine secrets with our family of 5. It was informative, active and fun! And what can be better than eating delicious orecchiette pasta, zucchini flowers, polpette prepared by yourselves with a house wine! Though Maria doesn’t speak English, we were kindly supported with translation by her relative, so overall experience gets a solid 5 stars!

Maria B - luglio 2024

We learned typical dishes and had a lovely evening. Maria was an expert in the kitchen and a very gracious host.

Ernesto Ojeda - luglio 2024

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