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Cesarina dal 2022

Piatto forte: Pasta al tegamino della domenica con ricotta fresca di pecora.

Vivo a: Salerno

Lingue parlate: Italiano e Inglese

Buono a sapersi

Offro alternative vegetariane

Ciao da Silvia!

"La mia cucina spazia dagli antipasti al dolce con grande versatilità. Da alcuni anni ho approfondito l'arte della cucina vegetariana e vegana per venire incontro alle esigenze alimentari dei miei figli. Rivisito in chiave vegetale piatti tipici della tradizione campana, senza perdere di vista le ricette e i sapori originari. Coltivo inoltre con grande passione la collezione di porcellane inglesi antiche, che amo presentare ai miei ospiti sia a colazione che alla classica ora del tè. Vivo per cucinare e nutro estremo rispetto per i miei commensali, dei quali non manco di cogliere esigenze specifiche e gusti alimentari inusuali". 

First Mosaic image
Second Mosaic imageThird Mosaic image
Le mie specialità
  •  Farfalle al Pomodoro di San Marzano (Vegan).
  •  Pasta al tegamino della domenica con ricotta fresca di pecora.
  •  Costoletta di maiale con capperi e limone.
32 recensioni
It was a true pleasure cooking with Silvia and the learning experience was enjoyable and fun. I was able not only to be on the insights of the real “cucina italiana” but also share a meal with a fantastic family. They decorated the table with the Halloween team and that was very cute. I’ll definitely practice all my recipes and I recommend it 💯 %

Marlene Vecchionacce - novembre 2024

I am an Italian American and was excited to go back to where my family was from and take a cooking class from Silvia. What an amazing experience. Silvia is an excellent cook and teacher. I even picked up on a few tips I wasn't aware of when making ravioli. I highly recommend booking time with Silvia. it is a life changing memory I will cherish forever!

Maribeth - novembre 2024

My 12 year old daughter and I spent the day cooking and eating with Sylvia and her lovely family today. It was such a highlight and will probably be our favorite memory of this whole trip to Italy. Definitely worth a trip to Salerno. I can't emphasize enough how lovely she was, how delicious the food was and how much fun we had!!! Grazie Mille, Sylvia!!!

Hilary Wang - ottobre 2024

The cooking class by master chef Silvia was our favorite experience in Salerno. I couldn’t believe I was able, with expert guidance, to make such delicious pasta, bruschetta, and tiramisu. I recommend this class to all lovers of Italian food and cooking.

Joseph Graham - ottobre 2024

I had so much fun with Silvia and Angela. They were very hospitable and welcomed me into Silvia’s home. The food was excellent and they are great teachers. I’m definitely doing another one with them again next time I’m in town! I can’t wait to try the recipes at home.

Jason - ottobre 2024

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