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Cesarina dal 2022

Piatto forte: Pasta al tegamino della domenica con ricotta fresca di pecora.

Vivo a: Salerno

Lingue parlate: Italiano e Inglese

Buono a sapersi

Offro alternative vegetariane

Ciao da Silvia!

"La mia cucina spazia dagli antipasti al dolce con grande versatilità. Da alcuni anni ho approfondito l'arte della cucina vegetariana e vegana per venire incontro alle esigenze alimentari dei miei figli. Rivisito in chiave vegetale piatti tipici della tradizione campana, senza perdere di vista le ricette e i sapori originari. Coltivo inoltre con grande passione la collezione di porcellane inglesi antiche, che amo presentare ai miei ospiti sia a colazione che alla classica ora del tè. Vivo per cucinare e nutro estremo rispetto per i miei commensali, dei quali non manco di cogliere esigenze specifiche e gusti alimentari inusuali". 

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Le mie specialità
  •  Farfalle al Pomodoro di San Marzano (Vegan).
  •  Pasta al tegamino della domenica con ricotta fresca di pecora.
  •  Costoletta di maiale con capperi e limone.
23 recensioni
Our cooking class in Salerno, Italy, with Silvia was blast. Thank you Cesarine! Silvia welcomed us into her home with enthusiasm. We made gnocchi, tagliatelle, and tiramisu, learning her traditional recipes along the way. Making gnocchi was hands-on and enjoyable. Rolling out tagliatelle from scratch was satisfying, and the tiramisu was divine. Silvia shared family stories, making the experience special. We enjoyed our creations, and everything tasted incredible. Silvia's warmth and passion for cooking made the class both informative and fun. It's a great way to learn and enjoy authentic Italian cuisine. Grazie, Silvia, for a fantastic day of laughter, learning, and delicious food!

Brad & Brandee - luglio 2024

Silvia and Angela were wonderful hosts and very welcoming. Silvia's home is beautiful and her kitchen was the perfect size for the lesson. We learned so much about cooking and the local culture while there. Getting to cook and eat together was a truly special experience. That was just the atmosphere - the food was amazing! Silvia's recipes were great and her teaching led to three wonderful recipes. Definitely come hungry! Between the aperitivos, the two pasta recipes we cooked, and the tiramisu we were very full after class - with leftovers to spare! Would highly recommend this class and would definitely book again!

Aleesa - luglio 2024

Amazing! The food Cesarina had us prepare was delicious! She welcomed us into her home like we were family, and treated us as such the whole time we were there! Couldn’t have asked for a better experience. We did a tour of 6 European countries over 6 weeks and this was by far our favorite experience out of everything! Far exceeded our expectations and would recommend it to everybody! Thank you so much Cesarina and Angela!

Glen – Canada - luglio 2024

I wasn’t sure what to expect but this was the HIGHLIGHT of our honeymoon. Our host Sylvia was so amazing. She truly made us feel like family and had so many delicious recipes for us. Next time Im in an Italy I will definitely be going back to her home for another class!

Samantha – Stati Uniti - luglio 2024

We had an amazing experience with Silvia and her family. They were so kind hosting us in their beautiful home. We made fresh pasta, gnocchi and tiramisu, plus a caprese salad and ate with the family learning a lot about Italian cooking and culture. This was one of the best things we did on our trip. We would definitely recommend Silvia to anyone and plan to do this again next time we are in Salerno.

Andrew - giugno 2024

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