Barberino Val d'Elsa: Food & Wine Tours

Partner Offer
5 (1)
Food & Wine Tours Florence: Venchi: Make Your Own Gelato Pralines
Food & Wine Tours
Venchi: Make Your Own Gelato PralinesHosted by Firenze Santa Trinità
€70 per guest
Shared Experience
5 (77)
Food & Wine Tours Florence: Cooking class with shopping at Sant’Ambrogio market
Food & Wine Tours
Cooking class with shopping at Sant’Ambrogio marketHosted by Carlo
€189 per guest
Private Experience
Food & Wine Tours Figline Valdarno: Figline Valdarno market tour with tasting
Food & Wine Tours
Figline Valdarno market tour with tastingHosted by Sara
Figline Valdarno
€135 per guest
Shared Experience
5 (1)
Food & Wine Tours Florence: Sant'Ambrogio Market Tour & Pasta Making Class
Food & Wine Tours
Sant'Ambrogio Market Tour & Pasta Making ClassHosted by Ileana
€235 per guest
Private Experience
5 (2)
Food & Wine Tours Florence: Discover Chianti: olive oil and local products tasting
Food & Wine Tours
Discover Chianti: olive oil and local products tastingHosted by Lucrezia
€119 per guest
Shared Experience
Partner Offer
Food & Wine Tours Ulignano: San Gimignano: Winery Tour & Wine Tasting
Food & Wine Tours
San Gimignano: Winery Tour & Wine TastingHosted by Cantina Fontaleoni
€75 per guest
Shared Experience
Food & Wine Tours Incisa in Val d'Arno: Excursion to the forest in search of mushrooms and tasting
Food & Wine Tours
Excursion to the forest in search of mushrooms and tastingHosted by Sara
Incisa in Val d'Arno
€153 per guest
Shared Experience
5 (2)
Food & Wine Tours Chiocchio: A tour of the market in Greve in Chianti
Food & Wine Tours
A tour of the market in Greve in ChiantiHosted by Sara
€149 per guest
Shared Experience
Partner Offer
5 (2)
Food & Wine Tours Florence: Venchi: Chocolate Workshop Experience in Florence
Food & Wine Tours
Venchi: Chocolate Workshop Experience in FlorenceHosted by Firenze Duomo
€60 per guest
Shared Experience
Partner Offer
5 (1)
Food & Wine Tours Florence: Venchi Workshop: Create your own Brutto&Buono
Food & Wine Tours
Venchi Workshop: Create your own Brutto&BuonoHosted by Firenze Santa Trinità
€70 per guest
Shared Experience
Top rated
5 (78)
Food & Wine Tours Florence: Market tour and cooking class
Food & Wine Tours
Market tour and cooking classHosted by Carlo
€235 per guest
Private Experience
Partner Offer
Food & Wine Tours Siena: Siena: a journey through history with wine tasting
Food & Wine Tours
Siena: a journey through history with wine tastingHosted by La Torre alle Tolfe
€50 per guest
Shared Experience
Partner Offer
Food & Wine Tours Castellina in Chianti: Castellina in Chianti: vineyard, winery and tasting
Food & Wine Tours
Castellina in Chianti: vineyard, winery and tastingHosted by Buondonno
Castellina in Chianti
€50 per guest
Shared Experience
5 (9)
Food & Wine Tours Florence: Market tour & cooking class
Food & Wine Tours
Market tour & cooking classHosted by Barbara
€163 per guest
Shared Experience
5 (1)
Food & Wine Tours Florence: The Citrus of the Medicis: discovering ancient flavors
Food & Wine Tours
The Citrus of the Medicis: discovering ancient flavorsHosted by Silvia e Vito
€163 per guest
Shared Experience
Partner Offer
Food & Wine Tours Sovicille: The Panforte Factory: factory tour with tasting
Food & Wine Tours
The Panforte Factory: factory tour with tastingHosted by La Fabbrica del Panforte
€30 per guest
Shared Experience
5 (9)
Food & Wine Tours Florence: Florentine Flavors: Market tour and Cooking Class
Food & Wine Tours
Florentine Flavors: Market tour and Cooking ClassHosted by Barbara
€235 per guest
Private Experience
4.9 (7)
Food & Wine Tours San Giovanni Valdarno: Market visit with a Cesarina
Food & Wine Tours
Market visit with a CesarinaHosted by Marzia
San Giovanni Valdarno
€149 per guest
Shared Experience

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