Esperienze gastronomiche

Il pesce in tavola

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Durata 2h 30m

Max 15 ospiti

Lingue parlate: Italiano, Inglese, Francese

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La tua esperienza

    Vieni a scoprire le prelibatezze dello stretto di Messina, città famosa per la pesca del pescespada! Al tuo arrivo ti verrà servito un calice ghiacciato di prosecco che potrai sorseggiare accompagnandolo con prelibati crostini di salmone affumicato e riccioli di burro. A seguire potrai gustare un piatto di spaghetti con la vera ghiotta di pesce spada messinese e per secondo ti servirò un piatto di buonissime braciole di pesce spada ripiene di mollica, capperi ed olive verdi.

    Chiuderà l'esperienza il dolce simbolo della mia città: il cannolo alla ricotta. Sono certa che sarà un'esperienza indimenticabile!

    Totale: 95,00 €

    95,00 € 
    per ospite

    47,50 € per bambino

    26 recensioni
    Excellent! Best linguine with clams ever, and her tiramisu is out of this world! Highly recommended!

    John - febbraio 2025

    Rosella and her husband, Giuseppe were the most accommodating and gracious people. They came to pick us up at the cruise port when we were unable to get a taxi. We were welcomed into their home with prosecco. We had such a great time as Rosella taught us the art of pasta making. Then, she showed us how to prepare each type of pasta we made in a different way. Of course, we ate all the ravioli as we sat around their kitchen table. The fettuccine and spaghetti were also fantastic. Giuseppe sent us links for recipes. I can't wait to get home and practice my new skills.

    Kathy  - novembre 2024

    My wife and I thoroughly enjoyed our cooking lesson with Rosella. We learned how to make fresh pasta and tiramisu. Everything tasted great. We'll be getting a pasta machine when we get back home.

    David Rinaldi - novembre 2024

    We had a wonderful afternoon with Rossella and her family! Great food and great company! We thoroughly enjoyed our time going to the market and spending time learning about family recipes and culture. It was a highlight of our trip!

    Elaine  - ottobre 2024

    This was a really cool experience and the hospitality of Rossella and her family were outstanding. It was so memorable being able to spend time with a local Sicilian family and learn about their food and culture. We were running about 15 min late as we had trouble getting a taxi from the port and the family were very accomodating with this. They catered very well to gluten free (I have coeliac disease), preparing everything separately to other dishes. We were a bit surprised that for our cooking demo experience they were using packet pasta and the meals were almost complete with just plating and the boiling of pasta needing to be done. We weren’t sure if it would have been different if they weren’t trying to cater for gluten free as well and we also understand that 2.5 hours isn’t a lot of time to allow for a full cooking demo & lunch. It really was a lovely Italian lunch with a wonderful local family who treat you like good friends! A great experience in Messina!!

    Elise - ottobre 2024

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    Cesarina dal 2020Città: Messina    Lingue: Italiano, Inglese, Francese
    "Sono da sempre appassionata di cucina, con la voglia di provare nuove ricette e sperimentare nuovi gusti, mantenendo sempre un legame di sapori e odori della mia Sicilia. Mi piace curare la presentazione della pietanza e mi piace condividere con gli altri la mia passione. La mia casa è grande e accogliente, sempre pronta per ospitare amici e turisti ai quali regalare il piacere di gustare alcune prelibatezze del territorio."
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