Esperienze gastronomiche

Lo street food a casa mia

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Durata 2h 30m

Max 10 ospiti

Lingue parlate: Italiano e Inglese

Menù Speciale: antipasto, primo di pasta fresca, secondo con contorno e dolce. Durante il pranzo o la cena ci sarà una dimostrazione pratica su uno dei piatti del menù, per scoprirne tutti i segreti

Esperienza privata
La tua esperienza
  • Arancino
  • Misto di crocchette di patate, polpette di melanzane e polpette di carne
  • Spiedini di braciole
  • Cannoli

Vi farò degustare nella comodità di casa mia il tipico street food siciliano, proprio quello che viene preparato nelle rosticcerie messinesi con le prelibatezze del territorio: fragranti arancini, gustose crocchette di patate e deliziose crocchette di melanzane. Prepareremo poi le tipiche braciole di carne alla messinese e per finire i famosi cannoli siciliani. Vi aspetto per questa fantastica esperienza!

22 recensioni
Mariella was kind and an excellent chef. She shared the history of her family and community through the food she served. We helped make pasta which was a fun experience for us. We are buying a pasta maker as soon as we get home. She offered to take us to her country home which was a 20 minute drive but we were worried about getting back on the ship. I wish we would have taken her up on the offer because it sounded lovely and we would have been back in plenty of time for the cruise departure. Next time!

Kristin B  - luglio 2024

Absolutely amazing! Mariela welcomed us into her home and taught us so much about local food and culture. Highly recommend this experience.

Jen - luglio 2024

Great morning making pasta and learning more in a true authentic Italian style. We had a great time prepping, cooking, eating and sharing knowledge back and forth.

Patrick s - luglio 2024

Our cooking class with Mariella was everything we hoped for and more! Our family of 6 laughed and had a great time and with the help of Google translate, we cooked pasta, focaccia, and other Sicilian dishes! We were in Messina for a cruise ship port, and booked the cooking class. Mariella and her sister in law picked us up and took us to her home, with a gorgeous view overlooking the Messina straight. This was different than a typical tourist day and we highly recommend! Mariella is the sweetest and we felt truly welcomed into her home and visiting a family member!

Julia H - giugno 2024

Mariella was so kind and welcoming. Her home is beautiful. She picked us up near the port and drove us to her home where she had all of the ingredients we needed. She showed us how to make a couple different appetizers and two types of pastas from scratch. The food was delicious and we learned so much! She did not speak English but we used lots of google translate and had great conversations. We would recommend this to anyone! It was a great way to learn more about Italian culture and cuisine.

Heather and Makenna Givens - giugno 2024

85,00 € per ospite

42,50 € per bambino

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Cesarina dal 2023Città: Messina    Lingue: Italiano e Inglese
La mia cucina è legata alla tradizione con una punta di licenza poetica per alcuni cibi , per me troppo forti.  Nata e cresciuta a Messina , in realtà ho appreso da grande la tradizione messinese, perchè i miei genitori erano originari di Gioiosa Marea e di Piraino, province messinesi ma con parecchie diversità nella metodologia. Cerco di unire queste diversità in un gusto, direi, piacevole. Mi piace conoscere e soprattutto vorrei che queste tradizioni non sparissero.
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