Food experiences

Taste and tradition in Garfagnana cuisine

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Duration 1h 30m

Max 8 guests

Spoken languages:  Italian and English

Tasting of traditional dishes

Shared Experience
Your experience

    Garfagnana is a generous and unique land, situated along the Serchio Valley and divided between the Apennines and the Apuan Alps. Its culinary tradition is deeply linked to the local land, forests and lakes. Here you can enjoy such delights as potato cake, chestnut flour tagliatelle with sausage ragout, and a dessert made with ricotta and seasonal fruit. I look forward to giving you a taste of the authentic flavors of my land. I am waiting for you!

    Total: €82.00

    per guest

    €41.00 per child


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    Image Profile
    Cesarina from 2022Location: Camaiore    Languages: Italian and English
    "I was born in Garfagnana, a green area between the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines and the Apuan Alps, a happy island of simple, supportive and courageous people, who in the past knew poverty and hard work and, for many years, the woods , chestnuts, mushrooms and snow have been my daily bread. Out of love I moved to Camaiore and the sea, fish and boats have become part of my world. Cooking for me is tradition, memory, passion , love, generosity, care for oneself and for others. Since 2012 I have had a cooking blog Il bosco di alici, in which I tell about myself and my cooking. I learned to cook by watching my mother do it every day, with love, with dedication and with respect. I always try to use quality ingredients, to use local products and not to waste food. I have worked in the kitchen of farmhouses, restaurants and as a personal chef, trying to learn and improve every time".
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