Image Profile


Cesarina from 2022

I live in: Maranello

Spoken languages: Italian and English

Good to know

I offer vegetarian alternatives

Hi from Meris!

"I love cooking traditional dishes, tortellini, lasagna, passatelli ... crescentine cooked in their molds and fried dumplings accompanied by cold cuts and cheeses. I would like to be able to delight my guests with these goodness, cook and share the tradition with them".

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8 reviews
Ottimo corso.

Violaine P - August 2024

Meris is the most wonderful person we met on our entire trip! I cannot stress this enough - the whole experience was MAGICAL! The lesson was so much fun, I learnt many new skills, we had a lot of fun, the food was delicious and Meris made the whole thing an experience that I will remember as long as I live. She was warm, welcoming, loving, very sweet and honestly so lovely that I want to be her friend forever. I cannot reccomend her enough. Or give her any higher praise. Simply- PERFECT! 🥰🥰🥰🥰

Emily Brown - May 2024

Meris é stata una Cesarina fantastica!! Dall'accoglienza, alle piacevoli chiacchierate, dalla chiarezza della lezione, all'eccezionale ospitalità !!! Torniamo a casa soddisfatti, con la voglia di preparare i tortellini ai nostri amici e contenti di una fantastica giornata!! Esperienza davvero super!! :-)

Flavio e Claudia - April 2024

L'accoglienza, la gentilezza, la simpatia e la precisione e pazienza nella spiegazione della preparazione dei piatti che poi ho degustato. La partecipazione attiva nella tiratura della pastasfoglia e nella preparazione del ripieno. Mille domande che ho posto e alle quali ho ricevuto risposte con preziosi consigli. Molto bella anche la location. Consiglio vivamente questa esperienza con la Cesarina Meris!

Monny - March 2024

My experience did not disappoint. I had a wonderful time with Meris as we shared stories of family life and she taught me the delicious recipes handed down to her from her grandmother. The countryside is where she opened her beautiful home and kitchen up for me. If you can make it to Maranello, do yourself a favor and book a class. You won’t regret it. Thank you “Cesarine” for helping me book this terrific adventure.

Barbara F - October 2023

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