Corsi di cucina

Corso di cucina con tre ricette, bruschetta e aperitivo

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Durata 3h

Max 6 ospiti

Lingue parlate: Inglese e Italiano

Corso di cucina con 3 ricette (antipasto, primo piatto di pasta fresca e dessert), bruschetta, aperitivo e a seguire menù a 3 portate con i piatti preparati durante il corso

Esperienza privata
La tua esperienza
  • Sciat
  • Pizzoccheri bianchi della Val Chiavenna
  • Tiramisù al caffè

I pizzoccheri bianchi, sono il piatto tipico di Chiavenna, vengono chiamati pizzoccheri per il loro particolare metodo di preparazione, che sarò felice di spiegarvi. Non sono i pizzoccheri di grano saraceno ma se amate i sapore della Valtellina, non potete non assaggiare anche questa variente. Gli sciat sono frittelle salate , impossibili da fare se non si ha il formaggio giusto, vi spiegherò la tecnica per poterli fare a casa vostra, li faremo e li gusteremo insieme. La ricetta del tiramisù, il dessert più desiderato al mondo concluderà la nostra lezione di cucina.

114 recensioni
Lovely morning spent with Patrizia learning new Italian cooking techniques

Heather webb - ottobre 2024

Patrizia’s cooking class exceeded my expectations on so many levels!!! When my husband and I arrived we were greeted by a very friendly Patrizia. Once we were settled we started making the tiramisu. We also learned how to make the yummiest focaccia bread. Lastly my husband and I learned how to make fresh pasta and two authentic sauces. Even though I can cook Italian cuisine due to my Italian American roots, I really learned so much how to use fresh simple ingredients to create an authentic meal. Also, when we were making the pasta I removed my ring which I promptly left it on the table as we leaving. Patrizia was so kind and sent the ring to the hotel we were staying at. I could not ask for a better “first day” on our Italy Adventures. I will definitely plan another cooking lesson during our next Italian vacation.

Cindy Garwood - ottobre 2024

I can’t rave enough about the cooking experience my daughter, niece and I had with Patrizia! What a friendly host she was and made us feel so comfortable in her cozy and beautiful family home! So fun to have a hands on cooking experience and eating the yummy meal after it was prepared and good conversation around the table. Not only did she make it special for us Patrizia texted us the recipes and sent my daughter recommendations of things to do and see when we visit Milan this week. Hands down I would highly suggest this to be part of anyone’s plan when they come to Lake Como. My favorite so far and I will never forget this special time with a new friend Patrizia! Thank you so much!

Pamela Harris  - ottobre 2024

This was an absolutely amazing evening. Patrizia was incredibly friendly and was a fantastic teacher. We arrived a few minutes early and she was so proud to show us her garden where the fresh ingredients used in the class came from. The view from the patio was beyond compare. The class was so fun and we learned so much. We truly can’t wait to make the tiramisu and fresh pasta at home. Patrizia was such a gracious host. She explained the home was her family home and her parents and cousins lived in other apartments. The time flew by and this was one of our favorite experiences on our trip. We would highly recommend this cooking class, especially with Patrizia as the host.

Rick Rhinehart  - settembre 2024

Pam and I had the most wonderful experience with Patrizia and Luka. We were fortunate enough to be their only guests that night. We received their undivided attention and hospitality. The meal was wonderful but also was the experience of being in our host’s home and participating in learning and enjoying family recipes going back at least three generations. We dined in their backyard situated on the mountainside providing what has to be one of the most beautiful views of Lake Como. Picture perfect. Even better has the fellowship, laughter and joy we experienced with our hosts. They are extremely warm, friendly, interesting, and easy to be around. This was highlight of our trip. A must do for anyone traveling in the area.

Mike C - settembre 2024

179,00 € per ospite

90,00 € per bambino

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Cesarina dal 2022Città: Bellano    Lingue: Inglese e Italiano
"La mia vita è legata al lago, è qui che ho le mie radici e dove sto bene. Sono una pittrice, il mio lavoro mi permette di gestire il tempo e la cucina è per me il mio secondo laboratorio, dove mi viene facile creare piatti anzichè quadri. I mie due figli, ormai grandi e mio marito sono stati coloro che mi hanno fatto esercitare e amare la cucina. Ospitare amici durante l'estate in giardino è stata l'occasione per capire che ricevere ospiti è un piacere e un arricchimento personale. Gli ingredienti delle mie ricette sono tutti genuini, da produttori locali:  il miele, il formaggio, il pesce, direttamente dal pescatore a Dervio, e le verdure del mio orto che mio marito cura con passione da molti anni. La nostra casa è un po' come le case di una volta, il camino e la stufa ci permettono di riscaldarci e di cucinare a legna, e devo dire che il risultato dei piatti cucinati sulla stufa legna è molto buono. Anche nel giardino abbiamo una cucina e, in estate, prepariamo, cuciniamo e mangiamo sempre all'aperto."
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