Corsi di cucina

Corso di cucina: scopriamo tre ricette toscane

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Gambassi Terme

Durata 3h

Max 3 ospiti

Lingue parlate: Italiano e Inglese

Corso di cucina: impara a cucinare le ricette della tradizione e gusta i piatti preparati durante il corso

Esperienza condivisa
La tua esperienza
  • Focacce e ficattole toscane
  • Tagliatelle al ragù bianco e crema di pecorino
  • Tiramisù al caffè

Vi aspetto per un aperitivo al tramonto. Un bicchiere di prosecco, il calar del sole e la vista di una pittoresca pieve romanica sono la combinazione perfetta per ricaricare le energie. Dopo una breve passeggiata tra gli ulivi, ci dirigeremo verso la mia casa, dove inizieremo il corso di panificazione per creare i nostri finger food. Prepareremo la pasta per le ficattole toscane, una deliziosa specialità fritta nell'olio, da gustare con una selezione di salumi e formaggi toscani. Non mancheranno le focacce condite. Successivamente, ci immergeremo in una lezione di cucina dedicata alle tagliatelle e al tiramisù. A proposito, assicuratevi di avere la voce in forma, perché oltre a cucinare, adoro anche... cantare!

Totale: 179,00 €

179,00 € 
per ospite

89,00 € per bambino

21 recensioni
We had the best time with Bina and Massimo, as well as their daughter Aliza!! We learned about everything from the Italian language, preparing tiramisu ingredients and putting them together, history of some ingredients, herbs, preparing the pasta dough, and special pasta tools!! We sang, we danced, we laughed, and yes...we ate!! :)) The food was authentic and incredible!!! Not only that, we felt at home, which is something special when on vacation in another country for the first time!! Molto brava and grazie!! :))

Andrea and Gabriel - marzo 2025

Our experience exceeded our expectations! Bina, Massimo and Aliza were so welcoming and passionate about cooking and sharing their knowledge and love for Italian cuisine with us. It is evident that this is not a 'job' , but a love they want to share with others. We can't imagine any other cooking experience being better than this one! We highly recommend you book this and saw it as the highlight of our trip in Italy. Be sure to ask Bina what her real name is :)

Lisa and Chuck - ottobre 2024

Oh my goodness! What can I say? I’ve never had this much fun cooking. We sang, we danced, we laughed and oh yeah, we cooked! Bina and Massimo made our evening so much fun and we felt very welcome in their kitchen. The food was creative, authentic and most importantly delicious! I do have one recommendation though if you’re going to book with Bina (and you should). Don’t eat two days before the class, you will not walk away hungry 😋

Kelly - ottobre 2024

We had an amazing time with Bina and Massimo, they are such fun people and make sure you have a good time. The food was amazing, we made pizza, tiramisu, donuts and a lot of different types of pasta. It was an unforgettable experience and I would recommend it to anyone! We went home with a full stomach and a happy feeling :)

Annet  - ottobre 2024

Bina and Massimo are wonderful!! My husband and I had a great experience learning how to make pasta, tiramisu, pizza and even donuts! They are phenomenal hosts and truly want you to have a great time. I would highly recommend this experience, it is well worth it and you certainly won't leave hungry!

Alyssa - ottobre 2024

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Cesarina dal 2022Città: Gambassi Terme    Lingue: Italiano e Inglese
"Sono una Calabrese che vive in Toscana appassionata di cucina da sempre. Amo cucinare di tutto, mi piace molto dare un tocco di creatività ai piatti e nonostante cucini piatti Toscani metto sempre un imprinting della mia Calabresita'."
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