Esperienze gastronomiche

Esperienza culinaria: la tradizione Barese

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Durata 2h 30m

Max 6 ospiti

Lingue parlate: Italiano e Inglese

Degustazione con show cooking

Esperienza condivisa
La tua esperienza
  • Focaccia barese, mozzarelle, crostini di fave e cicorie
  • Orecchiette con cime di rapa
  • Alici in tortiera con contorno di verdure crude
  • Sporcamuss (tipico dolce barese)

In questo menù ho scelto di farvi degustare alcune ricette che vi avvicineranno alla mia città, il suggestivo capoluogo della meravigliosa Puglia. Le fave secche, cucinate fino a diventare una vellutata purea, sono accompagnate da cicorie lessate e generosamente condite con l'eccezionale olio pugliese a crudo. La rinomata focaccia barese, preparata in casa, è gustata in abbinamento alle fresche mozzarelle. Chi non conosce le orecchiette? Le preparo seguendo la tradizione di mia madre, e sono davvero deliziose. Le alici, pescate localmente e ricche di omega tre, non solo sono salutari ma anche incredibilmente saporite. Posso tranquillamente preparare alternative vegane e vegetariane. Vi aspetto calorosamente nella mia casa.

31 recensioni
It was an amazing experience that surpassed our expectations. Sara and her family went above and beyond to make our pasta class a memorable occasion. Their hospitality was inviting and made us feel like we were part of their family. The food menu was delicious and we actually learned a lot. Unforgettable experience that I would recommend. A true Barese experience.

Amodio - ottobre 2024

We really enjoyed our dinner experience with Sara and her family. She was extremely well prepared and very experienced in the kitchen. Her daughter and son-in-law joined us too. We appreciated getting to experience “real life” in Italy in a normal person’s home. This is probably the highlight of our trip to Italy and we recommend it to anyone who wants a glimpse into regular Italian life and wants to spend time with wonderful people. They even sent us home with our leftovers and lots of pictures of the evening.

Andrew - settembre 2024

Sara and her family is super friendly. Her homemade food is excellent! The Italian fish pie is definitely very new to me and it's delicious. I also love our conversations during dinner. Highly recommend!

Bianca - settembre 2024

Fun class! Sara was a wonderful and informative chef/host. We learned to make troccoli and cavatelli, then enjoyed good company eating up our freshly made pasta.

Kristina and Jamie - luglio 2024

We had an amazing time with Sara. The experience was even better than we expected. Our two kids really enjoyed learning how to cook the pasta and learn more about Italy and family customs. One of the highlights of our entire trip! Highly recommend

Fuller family - luglio 2024

110,00 € per ospite

55,00 € per bambino

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Cesarina dal 2023Città: Bari    Lingue: Italiano e Inglese
Amo cucinare pietanze della tradizione pugliese con ricette che mi sono state tramandate dalla mia mamma. Mi piace anche sperimentare nuove ricette e i miei familiari sono sempre pronti ad assaporare le mie leccornie. Mi piace avere amici e parenti a casa e faccio sempre in modo che si sentano  a casa. 
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