FAQWhat are the best cooking classes in Passirano?The best cooking classes in Passirano are:Let's cook lasagnette and tagliatelle with love and fantasy!Bergamasca cooking class with welcome drinkCooking class of 3 recipes, appetizer, main course, dessert.Cooking class with a recipe and glass of wineView allWhat are the best food experiences in Passirano?The best food experiences in Passirano are:Bergamasco menu consisting of three coursesRefined three-course Bergamasco menuMy memories: among food, wine and lots of laughter!Not only meat in Bergamo: typical vegetarian tasting!View allWhat are the best food & wine tours in Passirano?The best food & wine tours in Passirano are:Franciacorta estate: tasting of 3 winesView all
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