Corsi di cucina

Scopri la tradizione pugliese con la Cesarina Claudia

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Durata 3h

Max 11 ospiti

Lingue parlate: Italiano e Inglese

Corso di cucina: impara a cucinare le ricette della tradizione e gusta i piatti preparati durante il corso

Esperienza condivisa
La tua esperienza
  • Friselle con pomodori pachino, origano, sale e olio EVO
  • Orecchiette al pomodoro e ricotta
  • Cheese Cake al pistacchio

Innanzitutto, permettetemi di presentarmi: mi chiamo Claudia e sono una cesarina. Fare la cesarina mi dà immense soddisfazioni, poiché mi consente di incontrare persone magnifiche e di condividere con loro la cultura della cucina pugliese, ricca di colori, profumi, sapori e sentimenti. Insieme prepareremo piatti tipici della mia terra, utilizzando esclusivamente prodotti di stagione e mettendo tanto amore e passione in ogni creazione. Vi aspetto!


4 recensioni
Our Cesarine, Claudia M., was wonderful. Even though the experience was different than anticipated, Claudia, her husband Sepp, daughter and translator friend were lovely. We had signed up for a market and food tour, but somehow the tour kept changing our meeting place and what we were going to do. We were interested in the local food and culture. Sadly, several of the sights we went to were closed. We ended up having coffee, foccacia and gelato, for about $100pp. I do realize we also paid for her time, and that is ok. We went to a grocery store that sold wonderful pastas and she bought us a bag of biscuits from a bakery to snack on. We have done tours like this before where our guide notified establishments that we were coming, and because they were expecting us they set out a local food samples to try, and were a bit more organized. Next time I would opt to go to Claudia's home for a cooking lesson and enjoy her lovely company that way.

Barbara - agosto 2024

Great experience! Food was amazing and very plentiful and company was wonderful as well. If you book ask them to set up a taxi for you if you arrive in downtown Brindisi. Highly recommend this experience

Tammi E - agosto 2024

Claudia and her family were perfect hosts. She even had a translator on hand to help! The dishes were authentic and delicious. She showed us how to make her sauce and the other dishes were made by her and served to us in a lovely garden setting. We would have loved to be part of the preparations and cooking, but Claudia shared her recipes with us and we all had a lot to talk about! It was a wonderful experience. Her husband also showed us around his property and was very gracious . Definitely recommended!

Pat and Tom - giugno 2024

We had a lovely time! The food was delicious and the family was very friendly! This was way Better than the tourist options in the city! Thank you Caludia!!

Brian Miles - luglio 2022

135,00 € per ospite

68,00 € per bambino

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Cesarina dal 2022Città: Brindisi    Lingue: Italiano e Inglese
"Ciao, mi chiamo Claudia e sono un'amante dei piatti tipici della mia città. La mia passione nasce fin dall'infanzia, grazie a mia nonna che mi ha insegnato i piatti tradizionali pugliesi come le orecchiette con il sugo di "braciole", riso patate e cozze, parmigiana, melanzane ripiene e altre specialità che conservo nel mio bagaglio culinario. Mi diverto a preparare per la mia famiglia e per gli ospiti, cercando di farli sentire a casa attraverso i miei piatti, condividendo anche con loro il mio modo di vivere".
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