Food experiences

Christmas tradition: join together for a culinary experience

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Duration 2h

Max 8 guests

Spoken languages:  Italian and English

Dining experience: take a seat and enjoy an authentic Italian meal with a local Cesarina

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Your experience

    You will be welcome in my country home for a festive Christmas dining experience filled with the warmth of my family. Experience the flavors of tradition as you savor dishes prepared in my kitchen. With the help of my loved ones, I carry on beloved Christmas traditions on the dining table with sincere dedication. Join me in the picturesque Umbrian countryside to share my home and culinary delights.

    We will begin the culinary tour with an assorted appetizer of cold meats and cheeses with homemade jams, lentils with sausage and bruschetta. This will be followed by fresh pasta typical of my town, prepared with eggs from my family farm. We will end this experience with a tasting of typical homemade Christmas sweets.

    30 reviews
    I have waited a few days to do this review..because I am honestly lost for words! It was the most amazing highlight of my trip to Italy. Claudia and Francesco..opened their home and their hearts to me. Learning to make Italian food in their home has not only opened the door for my own cooking but has given me a true glimpse of the Italian Culture and love. I highly recommend that you book this beautiful family for a night you will never forget! My introduction to Italian cooking has begun and Claudia and Francesco are the real deal. I know that along the way I can ask her questions and she will continue to guide my culinary goals! 5 stars is not enough to review this family business....they are above and beyond in every category possible. Book now! You will not be disappointed!

    Alynne - July 2024

    Claudia and Francesco are wonderful hosts and welcomed us in their home like one of their own. The meal Claudia prepared for us was delightful, flavorful and clearly a true labor of love. She takes such pride in sharing her traditions, her savoir-faire and her land with her guests, it's truly humbling. From the bruschetta, to the salumi, cheese, tartufo omelette, polenta with tomato sauce to the sweets and bergamot digestif, we were all absolutely delighted. We had a wonderful evening, one we will remember for a very long time. Grazie mille Claudia e Francesco e ti auguriamo buona fortuna per i tuoi progetti.

    Nathalie - July 2024

    Claudia and her family are friendly and welcome guests. I experienced wonderful local cousins, and it was fun to help to make the pasta. Almost every ingredient is from their family‘s farm, which is fresh and ESG. I highly recommend it to people who want an authentic Italian-Spoleto meal experience.

    Eponine  - March 2024

    Mille Merci Claudia. C’était une expérience incroyable, compliqué trouver les mots pour décrire tous ce que j’ai vécu . Rarement j’ai pu manger une cuisine autant fraîche, sincère, simple et aussi goûteuse ! L’apéro TOP: - Les différents type des bruschettas c’était une explosion des saveur - Les pâtes fraîche faite à la main ? ❤️ - Le pintade au four et son jus fondait en bouche comme beurre - Les desserts…. Quoi dire, tellement bon! Le pain au poivre, les bacis maison, il torrone maison, la tarte …. wow Pour terminer, Aucun mot pour décrire la gentillesse et la disponibilité de Claudia et Francesco. Deux personnes incroyables. From Paris with love. Roberto

    Incroyable - December 2023

    Era la nostra prima esperienza con le Cesarine, una magnifica scoperta Claudia e Francesco ci hanno accolto nella loro casa e abbiamo trascorso una serata indimenticabile insieme, la passione che hanno per la loro terra si rifletta pienamente nelle pietanze proposte che grazie ai prodotti locali a km0 e di loro produzione risultato eccezionali. Menzione speciale all’agnello e affettati Speriamo di tornare nella bella stagione per assaggiare l’olio e mangiare all’aperto!!

    Giulia e Filippo  - November 2023

    €88.00 per guest

    €44.00 per child

    You’ll receive the exact address after the booking
    Image Profile
    Cesarina from 2018Location: Spoleto    Languages: Italian and English
    "I have always loved my territory and its products. My father cultivated the land and raised animals, so in my family we have always been used to eating excellent quality products and km 0. From the moment I got married, I continued the family tradition re-proposing the typical dishes that my father used to prepare for us and my guests are always happy when they are invited for lunch or dinner."
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