Corsi di cucina

Corso di cucina con tre ricette, bruschetta e aperitivo

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Durata 3h

Max 6 ospiti

Lingue parlate: Italiano e Inglese

Corso di cucina con 3 ricette (antipasto, primo piatto di pasta fresca e dessert), bruschetta, aperitivo e a seguire menù a 3 portate con i piatti preparati durante il corso

Esperienza privata
La tua esperienza
  • Verdure fresche dell’orto fritte in pastella di riso
  • Ravioli con trota affumicata, serviti con pesto di prezzemolo e caviale di salmerino
  • Torta della tradizione del lago di Como: la Miascia, con pane, farina di mais e frutta

Una cucina basata sulle ricette della tradizione ma rivisitata in chiave moderna, con prodotti sempre freschi. Raccoglieremo le verdure nel piccolo orto e le friggeremo in olio extravergine di oliva con una pastella di riso. Faremo i ravioli con le uova del pollaio e prepareremo la farcitura con pesce di lago affumicato artigianalmente, serviti con salsa di prezzemolo, come da tradizione. Aggiungeremo del caviale di salmerino. Per finire prepareremo la torta tipica del Lago di Como, con pane, farina di mais, mele, pere e uva.

13 recensioni
Debora was awesome! She was a very gracious hostess. The cooking session was so much fun and she was a pleasure to talk to the entire evening. The food turned out delicious and she even sent the recipes to us to make at home. Would highly recommend for anyone wanting a fun, enjoyable evening!

Josh and Alyssa - gennaio 2024

My husband and I had a class with Debora during our honeymoon. It was just the two of us. Debora was so lovely, charming and warm!!! We felt so welcome and had such a great time soaking up as much knowledge as we could during our time with her. The food was delicious and the conversation was fabulous as well! We can’t wait to try and recreate the recipes on our own. We’ll always remember this experience!

Alaina Meynard - novembre 2023

This cooking class was the absolute highlight of our Italy trip. Debora is a fantastic host sharing her home, her food and her stories. The pasta we made was delicious and it was lot of fun making it with Debora as our teacher. My kids are 4 and 7 declared it was the best food they had eaten in Italy - high praise indeed!

Justine - settembre 2023

Debora was amazing, she invited us into her lovely home and taught us how to make pasta and tiramisu from scratch. We couldn’t have asked for a better time with her. She was a joy to be around and to learn from.

Thomas - settembre 2023

This cooking class was the highlight of my friends' and my two week long trip to Italy. We are English speakers with very very limited Italian proficiency and Debora was simply the best hostess possible. She met us at a restaurant right near her house to walk us there since the narrow streets were a bit confusing. She was incredibly kind, she served us wine and appetizers on her patio before bringing us inside to prep and cook dinner. She explained everything very thoroughly, and both her English and her zest for cultural exchange were incredibly welcoming to us. We listened to Italian pop music and talked about her grandmother. There were two other women in the class and the small group of six was super intimate. I could not have had a better experience, and I cannot say enough good things about how kind and warm she was to us!

Eva - luglio 2023

179,00 € per ospite

90,00 € per bambino

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Cesarina dal 2022Città: Cernobbio    Lingue: Italiano e Inglese
"Amo la cucina sana e bilanciata. Reinterpreto i piatti della tradizione con una presentazione moderna. Uso prodotti biologici del territorio, preparo a richiesta piatti senza glutine, senza lattosio, senza nichel, vegani. La pasta è sempre fresca e fatta in casa e cucino volentieri il pesce di lago e la selvaggina".
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