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Cesarina dal 2022

Piatto forte: Pasta con zucchina catanese fritta con ricotta salata

Vivo a: Catania

Lingue parlate: Italiano, Inglese, Spagnolo, Francese, Russo

Buono a sapersi

Offro alternative vegetariane

Ciao da Graziella!

"Cucino piatti della tradizione catanese, la mia cucina segue le stagioni: ortaggi e verdure sempre e solo di stagione che compro ai mercati storici "a piscaria" e "a fera o Luni" a chilometro zero. Cucino il pesce "che passa" così ,se è stagione di tonno, sulla mia tavola sarà presente, se in invece passa il Capone ( lambuca) ci sarà quello; così per seppie, totani o cicale di mare".

First Mosaic image
Second Mosaic imageThird Mosaic image
Le mie specialità
  •  "Masculini da magghia" marinate (alici piccole marinate)
  •  Pasta con zucchina catanese fritta con ricotta salata
  •  Pasta "masculini e pusedda" ( pasta alici e piselli)
14 recensioni
My friend and I had a delightful experience starting at the market to buy fresh mussels and then enjoying a cooking demo we had a chance to participate in which then followed a delightful 4 course lunch. The atmosphere of their home was beautiful and the views on the terrace were amazing! It was a delightful session and all was nearby as we then left and continued our day! Great experience and highly recommended!

Annette  - giugno 2024

We had a great day going to the market and cooking with Andrea and Graziella. We prepared a wonderful meal and enjoyed great conversations. They taught us about the city of Catania and the history. We laughed together while enjoying their wonderful home and terrace. Would highly recommend!

Charlie and Nicole - maggio 2024

We had a lovely time making and eating pasta, enjoying the wonderful views from the deck and the even better company!

K. O’Day - maggio 2024

I had a wonderful time with a lovely family. The views from their terras are breathtaking and the home made traditional Catanian food was equally spectacular and delicious. It was a memorable and heart warming experience. 😁👍🏻

Excellent, friendly and delicious  - febbraio 2024

It was a great experience! They made us feel welcome, we learned how to make good food and Sicily! We would certainly recommend!

Ine - gennaio 2024

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