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Cesarina dal 2018

Piatto forte: Spaghettoni alle cozze con fresche foglie di menta

Vivo a: Catania

Lingue parlate: Francese, Italiano, Inglese

Buono a sapersi

Offro alternative vegetariane

Ciao da Angela!

Castello Ursino, Piazza del Duomo con la Cattedrale ed il nero elefante di lava, così come il Teatro Romano ed il vivace mercato del pesce sono solo alcuni dei punti di interesse che non vi dovete perdere in nessun caso a Catania. Qui nella 'nera' città di lava, ubicata ai piedi dell'Etna, che emana un fascino del tutto particolare, incontriamo Angela, la nostra Cesarina. Angela ci accoglie in una splendida villa storica in stile liberty, progettata dal celebre architetto Francesco Fichera legato all'Art Dèco. In questo piccolo angolo di paradiso, circondato da alberi ad alto fusto e da un rigoglioso glicine, Angela ci accoglie calorosamente e ci racconta la sua storia, la sua passione per la cucina che l'ha portata a diventare Cesarina. I suoi ricordi risalgono all'infanzia e all'adolescenza, quando la mattina c'era chi stendeva la sfoglia, chi partiva alle 8 per trovare i prodotti migliori, chi impastava la frolla per i biscotti. Donne di regioni diverse, eredi di tradizioni e segreti, curiose e capaci di accogliere la gastronomia siciliana, coraggiose e divertite nell'arricchirla con piccole deviazioni delle ricette del nord. 

First Mosaic image
Second Mosaic imageThird Mosaic image
Le mie specialità
  •  Lapilli freddi (polpettine di melanzane), provola di Nebrodi con marmellata di cipolle rosse e fresco di zucchine
  •  Spaghettoni alle cozze con fresche foglie di menta
  •  'Capone e cipuddata'
37 recensioni
I would give 6 stars if I could :) Angela was very hospitable and showed us valuable techniques of cooking pasta and tiramisu, as well as explaining the history of the dishes with the help of her son. The food was delicious and the company was warm - highly recommended

Ryan Shearer - luglio 2024

Angela was dream! She tought us how to make brilliant pastas und Tiramisu. The ambience is stylish and clean. Angela is a lovely Lady. She knows how to enjoy food and wine. She shared her rich knowledge with great love and humor. Thank Angela 💝

Monika and Franz - luglio 2024

We were paired up with Angela for our pasta making. She welcomed us into her lovely home and spent the morning teaching us how to make 2 types of pasta along with some Bruschetta. I had contacted her before to indicate some food preferences we had and she accommodated those preferences well. After making the pasta we cooked it all and had a delicious lunch. Both of my teens who did the tour with us really enjoyed it and loved the food. They can’t wait to try it sometime when we get back home.

Jeffrey M - luglio 2024

Our dining experience was wonderful! Angela was a welcoming and warm host and a wonderful cook, full of information and stories about Sicilian food and culture, and my two teenage daughters and I were delighted by the experience. (They said it was the coolest thing we did on our whole trip!) Making fresh pasta together was a highlight.

Kathleen W. - giugno 2024

My wife and I loved our pasta class with Angela in Catania. She welcomed us into her home and was delightful and showing three different ways to make pasta Along with help from her son. We truly appreciate how she made us feel welcome into her home and three pastas we ate were fantastic. Highly recommended!

Natalie & Nino - giugno 2024

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