Corsi di cucina

Ciaccini e Pizze di Alvaro

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Rapolano Terme

Durata 3h

Max 6 ospiti

Lingue parlate: Inglese e Italiano

Corso di cucina: impara a cucinare le ricette italiane con una Cesarina locale

Esperienza privata
La tua esperienza

    Una serata per conoscere i segreti dell'impasto della pizza e la sua cottura.

    La serata si svolgerà in giardino dove Alvaro ha costruito il suo angolo Forno a legna e barbecue. La vista mozzafiato su Siena ed una birra artigianale della vicina azienda La Stecciaia, faranno il resto. Il menù prevederà come antipasto una degustazione di ciaccini con pecorino, salsiccia, pachino o semplicemente sale grosso e rosmarino. Successivamente si procederà alla degustazione della pizza margherita dove ogni ospite provvederà a stendere la propria pizza. A finire pizza dolce con zucchero e crema di nocciole. L'esperienza è possibile solamente nelle serene serate d'estate.

    4 recensioni
    This was one of the best experiences of all of my travels. It was like visiting family and having your uncle teach his secrets for the best food you could eat. It was warm and welcoming and the food was incredible. I was a professional cook and chef and I learned different ways of cooking.

    John - settembre 2024

    Alvaro and his family were so welcoming! We truly enjoyed meeting this wonderful family. They made us feel at home, we learned a lot about Italian cooking, and we had some laughs!!! I would 100% recommend this excursion! One of the best things we did in Italy:)

    Amy & Family - settembre 2024

    Alvaro opened up his home to us, teaching us a life skill with many laughs along the way. The food was simple yet memorable, and we can't wait to get home and try cooking pasta & tiramisu for ourselves. Thank you as well to Sophia, who came along to help Alvaro communicate English. A beautiful home, family and dishes.

    Jessica - settembre 2024

    We were fortunate enough to spend the evening cooking with Alvaro and his family in their home in Rapolano Terme ( This was a truly special experience and one that we will never forget. The location being their family home made the experience truly special, we were greeted and welcome with home made cheese and local antipasti’s. The experience involved making a tiramisu and two pasta varieties, Alvaro and his family were very good teachers, very friendly and very funny throughout. Once all the food had been prepared we ate at their dinner table and enjoyed some very good food, great stories, good wine and great home made desert wine. It was an experience that I can’t recommend enough and I am so glad we got to do it! Thank you Alvaro and Family!

    Georgio e Alba - agosto 2023

    135,00 € per ospite

    68,00 € per bambino

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    Cesarina dal 2020Città: Rapolano Terme    Lingue: Inglese e Italiano
    Il nostro Cesarino Alvaro ha una storia ricca e originale: a 14 anni si è trasferito a Siena per lavorare come cuoco, a 18 anni ha aperto il suo ristorante e a 22 anni la vita ha scelto per lui una strada diversa. E' diventato Sindaco di Rapolano T., poi  ha aperto un'azienda e, adesso che è in pensione, può tornare al suo primo amore, la cucina. "Mi piace parlare della storia del mio paese e della mia cucina.Tutti rimangono increduli dei tesori nascosti di questo territorio, sia dal punto di vista storico che culinario".
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